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Albert Hammond lyrics
Enredao lyrics
Te vas y me dejas solo sin darme una explicación, y ahora me pides perdón para volver a empezar. Yo soy para ti un muñeca sin alma ni corazón, te sirv...
Enredao [Croatian translation]
Odlaziš i ostavljaš me samog Bez objašnjenja A sad me moliš za oprost Da ponovno počnemo. Za tebe sam samo lutka Bez duše i bez srca Služim ti za zaba...
Enredao [English translation]
You go away, leaving me alone without an explanation, and now you say you're sorry in order to start over again. I'm a toy to you without a heart or s...
Enredao [Russian translation]
Ты уходишь и бросаешь меня Без единого объяснения, А теперь просишь прощения, Чтобы начать всё сначала Я для тебя просто игрушка Без души и без сердца...
Everything I Want To Do lyrics
Everything I want to do I only want to do with you Everything I want to do I only want to do with you I will always have a bed to sleep on And there'l...
Everything I Want To Do [German translation]
Alles, was ich tun will Will ich nur mit dir tun Alles, was ich tun will Will ich nur mit dir tun Ich werde immer ein Bett haben um darin zu schlafen ...
Everything I Want To Do [Italian translation]
Tutto quello che voglio fare, Voglio fare solo con te. Tutto quello che voglio fare, Voglio fare solo con te. Avrò sempre un letto su cui dormire E ci...
Everything I Want To Do [Romanian translation]
Tot ce vreau să fac Vreau doar să fac cu tine. Tot ce vreau să fac Vreau doar să fac cu tine. Voi avea mereu un pat în care să dorm Și mereu va fi o p...
Everything I Want To Do [Spanish translation]
Todo lo que quiero hacer, lo quiero hacer sólo contigo. Todo lo que quiero hacer lo quiero hacer sólo contigo. Tendré siempre una cama en la que dormi...
For the Peace of All Mankind lyrics
You turned me on so bad that there was only one thing on my mind An overnight affair was needed at the time Hello, goodbye, no searching questions, th...
Give A Little Love lyrics
Living in this crazy world So caught up in the confusion, Nothing is making sense for me and you. Maybe we can find a way, There has got to be solutio...
Give A Little Love [Italian translation]
Vivere in questo mondo pazzo Così preso dalla confusione, Niente ha senso per me e te. Forse possiamo trovare un modo, Ci deve essere una soluzione. C...
Give A Little Love [Romanian translation]
Trăind în această lume nebună Atât de acaparată de confuzie, Nimic nu are sens pentru mine și pentru tine. Poate putem găsi o cale, Trebuie să existe ...
Good Old Days lyrics
And all the sad young men Parading through there lifes The girls that they have loved have now Become expensive wifes They think they know it all And ...
I Don't Wanna Die In An Air Disaster lyrics
The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair The pressure give me thrills as we climb in the air And I love to watch the clouds, and the mou...
I Don't Wanna Die In An Air Disaster [Dutch translation]
De motor spuwt vuur, ik word terug gedrukt in mijn zetel Ik raak opgewonden van de druk terwijl wij de lucht in gaan Ik kijk graag naar de wolken en d...
I'm a Train lyrics
Look at me, I'm a train on a track I'm a train, I'm a train I'm a chook-a train, yeah Look at me, gotta load on my back I'm a train, I'm a train I'm a...
If You Gotta Break Another Heart lyrics
If you gotta break another heart Then break it, come on and break it If you gotta take that kind of chance Then take it, go on and take it Anything I ...
If You Gotta Break Another Heart [French translation]
Si tu vas briser un autre cœur, Alors brise-le, viens et brise-le Si tu vas prendre ce genre de risque, Alors prends-le vas-y et prends-le Tout ce que...
If You Gotta Break Another Heart [Spanish translation]
Si has de partir otro corazón, ¡pártelo ya, apúrate y pártelo! Si has de tomar tal decisión ¡tómala ya, apúrate y tómala! No importa lo que yo diga o ...
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