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Disturbed lyrics
Forsaken lyrics
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [French translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [German translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [Greek translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [Russian translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [Spanish translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Forsaken [Turkish translation]
I'm over it You see I'm falling in the vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see [Pre1] I hear it fading, I can't speak it Or else you ...
Glass Shatters lyrics
[x 3:] Step up 'Cause you're the next one in line for the kill You don't believe it but I'm betting that you will Step down I'll let you live a little...
God of the Mind lyrics
Get in, get in, get in, get in to now Get in, get in to come take over me Get in, get in, get in, get in to now Get in, get in to come take over me Ge...
Guarded lyrics
Guarding yourself from the love of another Left you with nothing tonight Why does it sound like the devil is laughing Leaving me haunted tonight You d...
Guarded [German translation]
Du beschützt dich selbst vor der Liebe eines anderen Du bist verlassen mit Nichts heute Nacht Warum hört es sich so an als ob der Teufel lachen würde ...
Guarded [Greek translation]
Προστατεύεις τον εαυτό σου από την αγάπη άλλου Σε άφησε χωρίς τίποτα σήμερα Γιατί ακούγεται σαν τον διάβολο να γελαει; Με αφήνει στοιχειωμένο σήμερα Ε...
Haunted lyrics
You're broken, so am I. I'm better off alone. No one to turn to And nothing to call my own. Outspoken, so am I. Explosive words that your world Wouldn...
Haunted [Finnish translation]
Olet rikki, kuten minäkin, minun on parempi yksinään, ei ketään kenen puoleen kääntyä, ja mitään mitä voisin kutsua omakseni. Päällepuhuttu, kuten min...
Haunted [French translation]
Tu es brisé, moi aussi Je me sens mieux seul Personne vers qui se tourner Et rien qui ne peut m'appartenir Franc, moi aussi Des mots explosifs que ton...
Haunted [German translation]
Du bist kaputt, genau wie ich. Alleine bin ich besser dran. Niemand, an den ich mich wenden kann Und nichts dass ich mein eigen nennen kann. Unverblüm...
Haunted [Greek translation]
Είσαι πονεμένη, έτσι είμαι και εγώ. Είμαι καλύτερα μόνος μου. Κανείς για να στραφώ Και τίποτα να αποκαλώ δικό μου. Ντόμπρα, έτσι είμαι και εγώ. Εκρηκτ...
Haunted [Hungarian translation]
Össze vagy törve, ahogy én is. Jobb nekem messze egyedül. Nincs senki akihez forduljak És semmi amit az enyémnek mondhatok. Őszinte, ahogy én is. Heve...
Haunted [Italian translation]
Sei a pezzi, lo sono anche io Sto meglio da solo Nessuno a cui rivolgersi E niente per chiamarmi Schietto, lo sono anche io Parole esplosive che il tu...
Haunted [Spanish translation]
Tú estás rota, yo también. Estoy mejor solo. No hay a quién recurrir y nada que me pertenezca. Directo, así soy yo. Palabras explosivas que tu mundo N...
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