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Joy Division lyrics
She's Lost Control [Russian translation]
Смятение в ее глазах говорило обо всем, Она потеряла контроль. Она цеплялась к каждому мимо проходящему человеку, Она потеряла контроль. Она раскрыла ...
She's Lost Control [Serbian translation]
Zbunjenost u njenim ocima govori sve. Izgubila je kontrolu. I ona se pridrzava za najblizeg prolaznika, Izgubila je kontrolu I odala je tajne svoje pr...
She's Lost Control [Spanish translation]
Confusión en sus ojos que lo dicen todo. Ella ha perdido el control. Y se aferra al transeúnte más cercano, Ella ha perdido el control. Y ella regaló ...
She's Lost Control [Turkish translation]
Gözlerindeki karmaşıklık her şey anlatıyor Kontrolü kaybetti Ve en yakınından geçen şeye tutundu Kontrolü kaybetti Geçmişindeki sırlardan vazgeçti Ve ...
The Eternal lyrics
Procession moves on, the shouting is over Praise to the glory of loved ones now gone Talking aloud as they sit round their tables Scattering flowers w...
The Eternal [Greek translation]
Η πορεία προχωράει, τα φωναχτά τελείωσαν Έπαινος στην δόξα των αγαπημένων που τώρα έφυγαν Μιλώντας φωναχτά ενώ κάθονται γύρω από τα τραπέζια τους Διασ...
The Eternal [Serbian translation]
Povorka se nastavlja, i vika je prestala Velicaj slavu onih voljenih koji su sada nestali Pricajuci naglas dok sede oko svojih stolova Rasejano cvece ...
The Eternal [Spanish translation]
La procesión se mueve, el griterío se acabó Bendita la gloria de los queridos que se han ido Hablan fuerte mientras se sientan alrededor de sus mesas ...
The Kill lyrics
Moved in a hired car, And I find no way to run, Adds every moment longer, Had no time for fun, Just something that I knew I had to do, But through it ...
The Kill [Serbian translation]
Vozio sam se u iznajmljenom autu, I video sam da nemam kuda pobeci, Dosipa mi se svaki trenutak sve duze, Nisam imao vremena za zabavu, Samo nesto sto...
The Kill [Spanish translation]
Me moví en un auto alquilado Y no hallé manera de correr, Cada momento se vuelve más largo, No tenía tiempo de divertirme, Es algo que sabía que tenía...
The Kill [Warsaw] lyrics
Life can be for you, good things are nice. Trusting on you, really no threats. The way to get through, deciphering the scars. Just a far glow, sit sti...
The Kill [Warsaw] [Serbian translation]
Life can be for you, good things are nice. Trusting on you, really no threats. The way to get through, deciphering the scars. Just a far glow, sit sti...
The Only Mistake lyrics
Made the fatal mistake, Like I did once before, A tendency just to take, Till the purpose turned sour, Strain, take the strain, these days we love, St...
The Only Mistake [Greek translation]
Έκανα το μοιραίο λάθος, Όπως το έκανα άλλη μια φορά πριν, Μια τάση απλά για να παίρνω, μέχρι που ο σκοπός έγινε ξινός, Κόπος, πάρε τον κόπο, αυτές τις...
The Only Mistake [Serbian translation]
Napravio sam fatalnu grešku, Kao već jednom pre, Sklonost da samo uzimam, Dok ne krene po zlu Pritisak, podnesi pritisak, ovih dana volimo, Pritisak, ...
They Walked In Line lyrics
All dressed in uniforms so fine They drank and killed to pass the time Wearing the shame of all their crimes With measured steps they walked in line T...
They Walked In Line [French translation]
All dressed in uniforms so fine They drank and killed to pass the time Wearing the shame of all their crimes With measured steps they walked in line T...
They Walked In Line [Serbian translation]
All dressed in uniforms so fine They drank and killed to pass the time Wearing the shame of all their crimes With measured steps they walked in line T...
They Walked In Line [Spanish translation]
All dressed in uniforms so fine They drank and killed to pass the time Wearing the shame of all their crimes With measured steps they walked in line T...
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