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Reba McEntire lyrics
It's Your Call [Russian translation]
Это тебе звонок, это она В другой комнате ты предпочитаешь взять его? Она держит трубку и я тоже Да, я знаю все об этом, не делай удивленный вид Пора ...
It's Your Call [Russian translation]
Твой звонок. Она. Лучше в комнате другой поговорить. Здесь я держу. Она ждёт там. И я, не удивляйся, всё знаю о вас. Игру пришло закончить время. На л...
One Promise Too Late lyrics
I would have waited forever If I'd known that you'd be here We could have shared our lives together And held each other close all through the years Bu...
One Promise Too Late [Chinese translation]
如果我知道将与你相逢 我会永远等待你的到来 我们本应共享人生起伏 并在漫长的岁月中紧紧相拥 但我在你之前遇到了别人 我的心难以继续等待 所以无论我对你多么喜爱 我只能坚守我作出的誓言 当我还能爱你时 你在哪? 当我交付真心时 你在哪? 我的一生都对你魂牵梦萦 你却在我山盟海誓之后姗姗来迟 你却在我山...
One Promise Too Late [Russian translation]
Я ждать могла тебя вечно, Если б знать - вернёшься ли. Мы жизни радости конечно, Держась друг друга, сквозь года бы несли. Но другого повстречала. Сер...
She Thinks His Name Was John lyrics
She can account for all of the men in her past Where they are now, who they married, how many kids they have She knew their backgrounds, family and fr...
She Thinks His Name Was John [Dutch translation]
Zij weet alles over de mannen in haar verleden1 Waar zij nu zijn, met wie zij getrouwd zijn, hoeveel kinderen ze hebben Zij wist over hun achtergrond,...
She Thinks His Name Was John [German translation]
Sie kann für alle Männer in ihrer Vergangenheit Rechenschaft ablegen Wo sie jetzt sind, wen sie geheiratet haben, wie viele Kinder sie haben Sie kannt...
She Thinks His Name Was John [Polish translation]
Potrafi powiedzieć coś o wszystkich mężczyznach ze swej przeszłości: gdzie teraz są, z kim się ożenili, ile mają dzieci. Znała ich środowisko, rodzinę...
Sleeping with the Telephone lyrics
I knew who he was when I took his name But some how knowing is just not the same late at night He knows the danger but he does what he does He calls i...
The Greatest Man I Never Knew lyrics
The greatest man I never knew lived just down the hall, and every day we said hello but never touched at all. He was in his paper. I was in my room. H...
The Greatest Man I Never Knew [French translation]
Le plus grand homme1 que j'ai jamais connu2 vivait juste dans l'entrée, et tous les jours nous nous sommes dit bonjour mais nous ne nous sommes pas to...
The Greatest Man I Never Knew [German translation]
Der großartigste Mann, den ich jemals kannte lebte gleich den Flur runter und jeden Tag grüßten wir uns, aber berührten uns nie. Er war in seine Zeitu...
The Greatest Man I Never Knew [Italian translation]
L’uomo migliore che non ho mai conosciuto viveva sullo stesso pianerottolo, e ogni giorno ci salutavamo, ma non ci siamo mai toccati. Era tra le sue c...
The Heart Won't Lie lyrics
Looking back over the years Of all the things I've always meant to say But words didn't come easily So many times through empty fears Of all of the ni...
Reba McEntire - The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
He was on his way home from Candletop Been two weeks gone and he thought he'd stop At Web's and have him a drink for he went home to her Andy Wo-Lo sa...
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia [Greek translation]
Επέστρεφε σπίτι του από το Candletop1 Έλειπε εδώ και δυο βδομάδες και σκέφτηκε να σταματήσει στου Web να πιει ένα ποτό πριν γυρίσει σπίτι σε αυτή Ο An...
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia [Italian translation]
Stava tornando a casa da Candletop Era stato via due settimane e pensò che si sarebbe fermato Da Web per offrirgli un drink perchè era andato a casa d...
The Stairs lyrics
[Verse 1] She looks at the clock It's a quarter past nine She hears his car as he pulls in the drive Dinner's still waiting from hours before She know...
What If It's You lyrics
Reba McEntire-What if It's You Robert Ellis Orrall, Majeski I've got something to tell you that I just can't say So I'm writing it down in case maybe ...
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