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Reba McEntire lyrics
Forever Love lyrics
The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew We'd spend this life side by side I still feel the same though you're so far away I swear that you'll alwa...
Forever Love [Hungarian translation]
Már az első alkalommal, mikor tekintetem megállapodott rajtad, tudtam, Egymás mellett fogjuk tölteni életünket. Még mindig ugyanígy érzek, bár oly mes...
Forever Love [Romanian translation]
Prima dată când am pus ochii pe tine am ştiut Că vom petrece împreună această parte a vieţii Încă mă simt aceeaşi, deşi eşti atât de departe Jur că ve...
Forever Love [Spanish translation]
La primera vez que puse mis ojos en ti supe Que pasaríamos esta vida uno al lado del otro Todavía siento lo mismo por ti, aunque estés tan lejos Te ju...
Forever Love [Spanish translation]
La primera vez que puse mis ojos en ti Sabía Nos pasamos la vida de este lado a lado Todavía siento el mismo si estuvieras tan lejos Juro que siempre ...
Forever Love [Turkish translation]
İlk seferde seni gözüme kestirmiştim, biliyordum Bu hayatı yan yana harcayacaktık Çok uzakta olmana rağmen hala aynı hissediyorum Her zaman benim olac...
Forever Love [Turkish translation]
İlk zamanlarda sana gözlerimi sunduğumu biliyordum bizi hayatta yan yana geçirmek istiyorum senin çok uzak olmana rağmen ben seni hala hissedebiliyoru...
Going Out Like That lyrics
It's been awhile since she put that red dress on And slip into those high heels She's got a couple of guys blowing up her phone And she loves the way ...
Going Out Like That [Italian translation]
Ne è passato di tempo dall'ultima volta che si è messa quel vestito rosso E si è infilata quei tacchi alti Ha un paio di ragazzi che la stanno riempie...
Going Out Like That [Polish translation]
Już jakiś czas temu założyła tę czerwoną sukienkę i wsunęła nogi w szpilki. Kilku chłopaków rozpala jej telefon do czerwoności, a ona uwielbia odczuci...
I Keep On Loving You lyrics
Love takes the patience of Job That's what my Mama always said Faith is the belief in something more than what you know That's what the Good Book says...
I Keep On Loving You [Romanian translation]
Dragostea are nevoie de multă muncă şi răbdare Asta îmi spunea Mama mea mereu Credinţa este convingerea în ceva mai mult decât ceea ce ştii Asta e cee...
I Know How He Feels lyrics
When I heard that familiar voice, my heart stopped dead in its tracks. Across the room, I could see him there, a ghost from my past, but he's too caug...
If I Had Only Known lyrics
If I had only known It was the last walk in the rain I'd keep you out for hours in the storm I would hold your hand Like a lifeline to my heart Undern...
If I Had Only Known [Romanian translation]
Dacă aș fi știut... că Aceasta va fi ultima plimbare prin ploaie Te-aș fi ținut ore întregi în furtună, Te-aș fi ținut de mână Ca un colac de salvare ...
If You See Him, If You See Her lyrics
If you see him Tell him I wish him well How am I doing? Well sometimes it's hard to tell I still miss you more than ever But please don't say a word I...
If You See Him, If You See Her [French translation]
Si tu le vois Dis-lui que je lui souhaite une bonne santé Comment je vais ? Bien, parfois c'est difficile à savoir Il me manque encore plus que jamais...
If You See Him, If You See Her [Romanian translation]
Dacă-l vezi Spune-i că-i doresc numai bine Cum mă descurc? Ei bine, uneori e greu de spus Îmi lipseşti tot mai mult, ca niciodată Dar te rog să nu spu...
It's Your Call lyrics
It's your call, it's her Would you rather take it in the other room? She's hangin' on and so am I Yeah, I know all about it don't act so surprised It'...
It's Your Call [French translation]
C'est ton appel1, c'est elle Préfère-tu le prendre dans l'autre pièce ? Elle est en ligne et moi aussi Ouais, je sais tout, ne fais pas semblant d'êtr...
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