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Emmylou Harris lyrics
Here, There and Everywhere lyrics
Here, making each day of the year Changing my life with one wave of his hand Nobody can deny that there's something there There, running my hands thro...
Emmylou Harris - Pledging My Love
Forever, my darling, My love will be true, Always and forever I'll love just you. Just promise me, darlin', Your love in return, May this fire in my s...
Pledging My Love [French translation]
Pour toujours, mon chéri, Mon amour sera vrai, Toujours et pour toujours Je n'aimerai que toi. Promets-moi, chéri, Ton amour, en retour, Que ce feu da...
Pledging My Love [German translation]
Auf ewig, mein Liebling, Wird meine Liebe echt sein, Immer und ewig Werde ich nur Dich lieben. Versprich mir nur, Liebling, Im Gegenzug Deine Liebe, D...
Pledging My Love [Romanian translation]
Veșnic, scumpul meu, Iubirea-mi va fi sinceră, Mereu și veșnic Doar pe tine te voi iubi. Promite-mi doar, scumpule, Iubirea ta la rându-ți, Fie ca ace...
Emmylou Harris - Wayfaring Stranger
I am a poor wayfaring stranger While traveling through this world of woe Yet there's no sickness, toil nor danger In that bright world to which I go I...
Wayfaring Stranger [German translation]
I am a poor wayfaring stranger While traveling through this world of woe Yet there's no sickness, toil nor danger In that bright world to which I go I...
Wayfaring Stranger [Hungarian translation]
I am a poor wayfaring stranger While traveling through this world of woe Yet there's no sickness, toil nor danger In that bright world to which I go I...
Sweet Old World lyrics
See what you lost when you left this world, This sweet old world. See what you lost when you left this world, This sweet old world. The breath from yo...
Sweet Old World [Czech translation]
Vidíš, co jsi ztratil, když jsi tento svět opustil, tento starý dobrý svět. Vidíš, co jsi ztratil, když jsi tento svět opustil, ten starý milý svět. D...
Sweet Old World [Romanian translation]
Uite ce ai pierdut când ai părăsit această lume, Această dulce lume veche. Uite ce ai pierdut când ai părăsit această lume, Această dulce lume veche. ...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] lyrics
When I go, don't cry for me In my Father's arms I'll be The wounds this world left on my soul Will all be healed and I'll be whole Sun and moon will b...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] [Croatian translation]
Kad odem, nemoj plakati za mnom bit ću u naručju svoga Oca rane koje je ovaj svijet ostavio na mojoj duši sve će zacijeljeti i biti izliječene Sunce i...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] [French translation]
Quand je partirai, ne pleurez pas pour moi Dans les bras de mon Père je serai Les blessures que ce monde a laissées à mon âme Seront toutes guéries et...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] [German translation]
Wenn ich gehe, weine nicht um mich In meines Vaters Armen werde ich sein Die Wunden, die diese Welt hinterließ in meiner Seele Werden alle geheilt und...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] [Greek translation]
Όταν φύγω, μην κλάψεις για μένα Θα είμαι μέσα στα χέρια Του Πατέρα Οι πληγές αυτού του κόσμου θα μείνουν στην ψυχή μου Θα θεραπευτούν όλες και θα είνα...
All My Tears [Be Washed Away] [Spanish translation]
Cuando me vaya, no llores por mí En los brazos de mi Padre estaré Las llagas que este mundo dejó impresas en mi alma Serán sanadas todas y completa es...
Emmylou Harris - One Paper Kid
Cowboys and Indians and trees he could climb Tomorrow came too fast, but he didn't mind The distance was short, so light it again Don't take no time t...
To Daddy
Mama never seemed to miss the finer things of life If she did, she never did say so to daddy She never wanted to be more than mother and a wife If she...
To Daddy [French translation]
Maman n'a jamais sembler manquer des meilleurs choses de la vie Si c'était le cas, elle ne l'a jamais dit à Papa Elle n'a jamais voulu être plus qu'un...
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