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Jesus Culture lyrics
Show me your Glory lyrics
I see the cloud, I step in I want to see Your glory like Moses did Flashes of light and rolls of thunder, But I'm not afraid I'm not afraid Show me Yo...
Show me your Glory [Chinese translation]
我看见祥云,信步踏入云端 我要和摩西那样见证上帝的荣耀 电闪雷鸣,雷电闪闪,雷声滚滚 我无所畏惧 我无所畏惧 让我看到你的荣光,赐我荣耀,我的主 赐我荣耀,赐我荣耀 敬畏主的美,渴望主的爱 我要同耶稣那样走向主 主的荣耀环绕着我,令我陶醉 我无所畏惧 我无所畏惧 让我看到你的荣光,赐我荣耀,我的主 ...
Show me your Glory [French translation]
Je vois la nuage, j'y marche Je veux voir votre gloire comme Moses Des éclairs et des coups de tonnerre, Je n'ai pas peur Je n'ai pas peur Montrez-moi...
The Time Has Come lyrics
Found love beyond all reason You gave Your life Your all for me And called me Yours forever Caught in the mercy fallout I found hope found life Found ...
Waiting Here For You lyrics
If faith can move the mountains Let the mountains move We come with expectation We're waiting here for You, waiting here for You You’re the Lord of al...
Waiting Here For You [Czech translation]
Pokud víra hory přenáší, nechť jsou hory přenášeny. Přicházíme s nadějí. Čekáme zde na Vás, čekáme zde na Vás. Jste Pánem všeho stvoření, a víte, co m...
Waiting Here For You [Hindi translation]
विश्वास पहाड़ों को स्थानांतरित कर सकता है पहाड़ों को हिलने दो हम उम्मीद के साथ आते हैं यहाँ आप के लिए प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं, आप के लिए प्रतीक्षा कर रहे...
Waiting Here For You [Persian translation]
اگر ايمان مي تواند كوه ها را جابجا كند بگذار كوه ها جابجا شوند ما با انتظار مي آييم ما اينجا منتظرت هستيم، اينجا منتظرت هستيم تو سرور تمام آفريده ها ه...
Waiting Here For You [Russian translation]
Если вера может двигать горы, Пусть они движутся Мы приходим с ожиданием Мы ждем здесь Тебя, ждем здесь Тебя. Ты Бог всего созданного тобой И ты знаеш...
Waiting Here For You [Spanish translation]
Si la fe puede mover las montañas Vamos a dejar que las montañas se muevan Venimos con expectación Estamos esperando aquí por ti,esperando aquí por ti...
Walk with Me lyrics
Author of the world, walk with me Ruler of the earth, walk with me Calmer of the storm, walk with me Healer of my heart, walk with me How I need You H...
Walk with Me [Portuguese translation]
Autor do mundo, caminhe comigo Legislador da Terra, caminhe comigo Apaziguador da tempestade, caminhe comigo Remédio do meu coração, caminhe comigo Co...
Walk with Me [Spanish translation]
Autor del mundo, camina conmigo Rey de la Tierra, camina conmigo Apaciguador de tormentas, camina conmigo. Sanador de mi corazón, camina conmigo. Cómo...
Waste It All lyrics
Covered in shame, hiding my face I owed a debt I could not pay Searching in vain to fill my heart's ache I threw my worth away When I thought all was ...
We are Hungry lyrics
Verse 1: Lord I want more of you Living water rain down on me Lord I need more of you Living breath of life come fill me up Chorus: We are hungry, we ...
We are Hungry [Persian translation]
... يا ارباب ما بيش از اين تو را مي خواهيم اي باران زندگي بخش بر من ببار يا ارباب ما بيش از اين تو را مي خواهيم اي نفس زندگي و حيات بخش (سينه ي) مرا پ...
We are Hungry [Spanish translation]
Señor queremos más de ti Agua viva llueve sobre mí Señor necesito más de ti Soplo de aire viviente ven y lléname Tenemos hambre, tenemos hambre Tenemo...
We Cry Out lyrics
Oh Lord we cry out, we’ve been lost We need your mercies oh God We repent for our sin and we turn to you again Oh Lord we cry out, we’ve been lost Cha...
We Cry Out [French translation]
Oh seigneur nous crions, nous avons été perdus Nous avons besoin de vos miséricordes oh Dieu Nous nous repentons pour notre péché et nous nous tournon...
Where You Go I Go lyrics
Where you go, I go What you say, I say What you pray, I pray What you pray, I pray Jesus only did what He saw you do He would only say what He heard y...
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