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Deepak Chopra lyrics
Sea of Love [Oceans of Ecstasy]
wet with loose dripping hair, you sat on the rocky shore with flowing skirt rolled and curled ambitious around your feet the wild wind played on your ...
A Lover's Madness lyrics
[The Alchemy of Love (Deepak Chopra)] You come to us from another world From beyond the stars and void of space. Transcendent, Pure, Of unimaginable b...
Bittersweet lyrics
In my hallucination I saw my beloved's flower garden In my vertigo, in my dizziness In my drunken haze Whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel I sa...
Desire lyrics
A lover knows only humility, he has no choice. He steals into your alley at night, he has no choice. He longs to kiss every lock of your hair, don't f...
Desire [French translation]
Un amant ne connaît que l'humilité, il n'a pas le choix. Il se glisse dans ton allée la nuit, il n'a pas le choix. Il se languit d'embrasser chaque bo...
Desire [Hungarian translation]
A szerelmes csak az alázatot ismeri, neki nincs választása. Tolvajkodik a sikátorodban este, neki nincs választása. Arra vágyik hogy minden hajtincsed...
Desire [Romanian translation]
Un îndrăgostit cunoaște doar umilința, nu are de ales Se furișează pe alee noaptea, nu are de ales Abia asteapta să sărute fiecare șuviță de păr, fără...
Desire [Russian translation]
Любящий человек знает только смирение, у него нет выбора. Он крадет вас в ночное время, у него нет выбора. Он жаждет, чтобы поцеловать каждую прядь ва...
Desire [Turkish translation]
Ancak tevazuyu bilir bir aşık, başka seçeneği yoktur. Gizlice sokulur senin yoluna geceleri, başka seçeneği yoktur. Hasrettir saçının her buklesini öp...
Die in this love! lyrics
Die! Die! Die in this love! If you die in this love Your soul will be renewed Die! Die! Don't fear the death Of that which is known if you die to the ...
Divine Love lyrics
I Am Yours by Robert John Burke Because the idol is Your Face, i have become an idolater. Because the wine is from your cup, i have become a drunkard....
Flight to Freedom lyrics
Deepak: I want to give you something, my love For we are drifting in different streams of the world Our lives will be carried apart and our love forgo...
Garden of My Soul lyrics
In my garden the rose opened But I was too much in a hurry and passed it by. Love remembered me and said I will make a rose bloom in your heart.. Toda...
Garden of My Soul [Romanian translation]
In my garden the rose opened But I was too much in a hurry and passed it by. Love remembered me and said I will make a rose bloom in your heart.. Toda...
Garden of My Soul [Serbian translation]
In my garden the rose opened But I was too much in a hurry and passed it by. Love remembered me and said I will make a rose bloom in your heart.. Toda...
In My Heart lyrics
The Mirror We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain, both. We ar...
In My Heart [Serbian translation]
The Mirror We are the mirror as well as the face in it. We are tasting the taste this minute of eternity. We are pain and what cures pain, both. We ar...
Love Drunk lyrics
My Burning Heart My heart is burning with love All can see this flame My heart is pulsing with passion like waves on an ocean my friends have become s...
Love Drunk [Ukrainian translation]
Моє палаюче серце Моє серце палає любов'ю. Все, що можу бачити, — це полум'я. Моє серце пульсує пристрастю, Як хвилі океану. Мої друзі стали незнайомц...
Lover From Another World lyrics
The Mythical Lover My love for you has driven me insane I wander aimlessly the ruins of my life my old self a stranger to me Because of your love I ha...
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