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Tina Dico lyrics
My business lyrics
I met a friend of a friend out in town She grabbed my arm and said "Girl, have you heard!" Told me you've fallen back in, down and out She'd seen you ...
My mirror lyrics
When I feel your eyes on me I fall to my knees And I wait for your look to judge and define me I'm just a thin shell breaking in your palm Starving fo...
My mirror [Hungarian translation]
Amikor magamon erzem a pillantasod, terdre borulok Es varom, hogy pillantasod megiteljen es meghatarozzon Csak egy osszetort kagylo vagyok a tenyeredb...
No Time To Sleep lyrics
Who's gonna sing the song of change If no one can imagine life outside the beaten track And who's gonna stop a running train If no one cares to dwell ...
No Time To Sleep [French translation]
Qui chantera le chant du changement si personne n'imagine vivre hors des sentiers battus ? Et qui arrêtera ce train en marche si personne ne prend le ...
No Time To Sleep [German translation]
Wer wird das Lied der Veränderung singen wenn niemand sich ein Leben außerhalb des ausgetretenen Pfads vorstellen kann Und wer wird einen fahrenden Zu...
No Time To Sleep [Turkish translation]
Değişim şarkısını kim söyleyecek Eğer kimse dayak pisti dışında bir hayat düşünemiyorsa Ve koşan treni kim durduracak Kimse kimseye kapılmak istemiyor...
On the run lyrics
I wake in the morning with one thing on my mind (x2) To get up on my feet and be on my way The wide roads are calling and I'm running out of time To m...
Pigen Ud Af Aarhus lyrics
Alle ska' end' et sted Alle kommer fra noget og har et landskab med inden i Af minder og steder, stemninger og nostalgi Jeg kommer med kærlighed Tilba...
Pigen Ud Af Aarhus [English translation]
Everyone must end up somewhere Everyone comes from something and has a landscape within Of memories and places, moods and nostalgia I'm coming with lo...
Point of no return lyrics
It’s strange how we always go back To where we fell To what we know so well I’m walking into the flames To where I got burnt I’m way past the point of...
Point of no return [German translation]
Es ist merkwürdig, wie wir immer zurückkehren dorthin, wo wir gefallen sind zu dem, was wir so gut kennen Ich laufe in die Flammen Dorthin, wo ich ver...
Room with a view lyrics
I need a room with a view An armchair by the window A cup of coffee and a cigarette or two Watch the sky turn from hazy grey to black Watch my neighbo...
Room with a view [German translation]
Ich brauche ein Zimmer mit Aussicht Einen Sessel am Fenster Eine Tasse Kaffe und eine Zigarette oder zwei Sehe dem Himmel zu, wie er sich verändert vo...
Sacre Coeur lyrics
Poison racing through my veins A sordid pull to the insane A constant gravity to change And I don’t know where to go Paris breaths beneath my feet Thi...
Someone you love lyrics
You came to me in peace. I gave you what you wanted, but no more than just enough. And now i'm on my knees Have mercy on my soul, I am here to return ...
Someone you love [German translation]
Du kamst in Frieden zu mir. Ich gab dir was du wolltest, aber nicht mehr als gerade genug. Und jetzt bin ich auf meinen Knien Hab Erbarmen mit meiner ...
Someone you love [Polish translation]
Przybyleś do mnie w dobrej intencji. Oddałam Ci wszystko czego potrzebowałeś, ale nie więcej niż powinnam. A teraz klękam tu przed Tobą. Miej litość n...
Someone you love [Turkish translation]
Bana huzur içinde geldin Sana istediğini verdim,ama fazlasıyla yeterli değil Ve şimdi dizlerimin üzerindeyim Ruhuma merhamet et,aşkına geri dönmek içi...
True North lyrics
They say it’s a cold place Icy and grey With a wind that cuts through Marrow and bone I’ve heard the earth cracks open wide Before your eyes and might...
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