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Paul Young lyrics
Everytime You Go Away [Bulgarian translation]
Хей, ако можем да разрешим всеки проблем, тогава защо проливаме толкова много сълзи? О, и ето, ти си тръгваш отново, когато главният герой се появи. В...
Everytime You Go Away [Croatian translation]
Hej,ako možemo riješiti bilo koji problem, zašto onda isplačemo toliko suza? Oh,i onda ponovo odeš, kada se glavni čovjek pojavi. Uvijek je sve isto, ...
Everytime You Go Away [Czech translation]
Hele, když můžeme vyřešit kdejaký problém, tak proč ztrácíme tolik slz. A zase s tím začínáš, když se ukáže vůdčí typ. Stále to samé... Copak nevidíš,...
Everytime You Go Away [French translation]
Hé!, si nous pouvons résoudre toutes difficultés Pourquoi tant de larmes essuyées Oh, et tu t'en vas une autre fois Quand surgit l'homme de premier pl...
Everytime You Go Away [German translation]
Hey!, wenn wir jedes Problem lösen können, Warum verlieren wir dann so viele Tränen? Oh, und so gehst du wieder Wenn der Hauptdarsteller erscheint, Is...
Everytime You Go Away [Greek translation]
"Ε, αφού μπορούμε να λύσουμε κάθε πρόβλημα τότε γιατί σπαταλάμε τόσα πολλά δάκρυα;" Ωχ, και κάπως έτσι αρχίζεις πάλι όποτε εμφανίζεται ο πρωταγωνιστής...
Everytime You Go Away [Italian translation]
Ei, se possiamo risolvere qualsiasi problema allora perché perdiamo così tante lacrime? Oh, e così vai di nuovo quando appare il protagonista. Sempre ...
Everytime You Go Away [Polish translation]
Hej, jeśli uda nam się rozwiązać jakiś problem to dlaczego tracimy tyle łez. Och, a więc znowu odchodzisz kiedy pojawia się przywódca. Zawsze to samo,...
Everytime You Go Away [Portuguese translation]
Ei, se nós podemos resolver qualquer problema Então por que perdemos tantas lágrimas? Ah, e lá vai você de novo Quando o homem principal aparece É sem...
Everytime You Go Away [Romanian translation]
Hei!, dacă putem rezolva orice problemă Atunci de ce pierdem aşa de multe lacrimi? Oh, deci așa pleci din nou Când apare protagonistul Mereu același l...
Everytime You Go Away [Russian translation]
Привет, если мы можем решить любую проблему, Тогда почему мы роняем так много слез. Ох, и так, ты снова уходишь, Когда появляется главный герой, Всегд...
Everytime You Go Away [Spanish translation]
Hey, si podemos resolver cualquier problema entonces ¿para qué derramar tantas lágrimas? Oh, y ahí vas de nuevo cuando el galán aparece. Siempre la mi...
Everytime You Go Away [Thai translation]
หากเราแก้ปัญหาทั้งหลายได้ ทำไมเราต้องสูญเสียน้ำตากันมากมายขนาดนี้ แล้วคุณก็เดินจากไปอีกครั้งสินะ เมื่อมีชายคนอื่นผ่านเข้ามา เป็นแบบนี้เช่นเคยและเสมอมา...
Everytime You Go Away [Turkish translation]
Hey, eğer herhangi bir sorunu çözebiliyorsak O halde neden bu kadar gözyaşı döküyoruz Of ve sen yine gidiyorsun Başroldeki adam ortaya çıktığında Hep ...
I Was in Chains lyrics
I was in chains Chained to my love Lying sleeping Below the silver trees Then up comes Davey and says You must be running boy Now I must fly Now I mus...
I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down lyrics
You think you've got it all set up You think you've got the perfect plan To charm everyone you see and playing any game you can. But I've got news for...
In A Dream Gone By lyrics
The night rolls on The emptiness comes And I know with the dawn I'll never forget your name If in time, only the memory shall remain If love has a hea...
In A Dream Gone By [English translation]
The night rolls on The emptiness comes And I know with the dawn I'll never forget your name If in time, only the memory shall remain If love has a hea...
Love of the Common People lyrics
Living on free food tickets Water in the milk from a hole in the roof Where the rain came through What can you do? Tears from your little sister Cryin...
Love of the Common People [Czech translation]
Žijící z potravinových lístků, v mléce voda z díry ve střeše, kterou prošel déšť. Co se dá dělat, hm? Slzičky vaší sestřičky plačící, 'že nemá jediné ...
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