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Rebecca Ferguson lyrics
I Hope [Serbian translation]
Nekada sam te mrzela tako lako gledala sam ti u oci tako zeljno I da je tako hladno ja ne bih otisla dalje Jer gde je novac ljubav je slepa on je tako...
I Hope [Turkish translation]
Senden cok kolay nefret ederdim Öfkeli gözlerinin icine bakardim Soguk olsada Gitmezdim Cunku para yokken ask kördur O cok kör Ama bir sure sonra Akli...
Mr. Bright Eyes lyrics
Hey Mr. Bright Eyes Where you been all of my life? I've been daydreaming 'bout you I cannot deny what feels so true Am I serious? Maybe it's true Can'...
My Best lyrics
It's never easy so don't give me that excuse It was never meant to be You're scared of losing so you'd rather have the truth But it's so obvious to me...
Nothing's Real But Love lyrics
Standing in a line Wonder why it don't move Tryna get a hand Watching people break the rules And maybe the man in charge Doesn't like my face But then...
Nothing's Real But Love [Chinese translation]
我排着队 好奇它为何不曾移动 试图清晰 目睹人们打破陈规 也许造物主并不垂怜我 也许世界也不总是明朗 世上除了爱再没有真实 世上除了爱再没有真实 无金钱,无住所,无宝马 也不能击溃真爱 人们看着我们大笑 好似傻瓜一样 试图选出谁最笨 看我们还有什么能耐 但上帝关上那扇门 就在我面前 我想世界也不总是...
Nothing's Real But Love [Greek translation]
Στέκομαι σε μια γραμμή Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί δεν κινείται Προσπαθώ να βρω βοήθεια Βλέποντας τους ανθρώπους να παραβαίνουν τους κανόνες Και ίσως ο υπεύθυνο...
Nothing's Real But Love [Italian translation]
Stare in una linea Chiedendosi perchè non si muove Cercando di prendere una mano Guardando le persone infrangere le regole e E forse all'uomo in caric...
Nothing's Real But Love [Romanian translation]
Stând la coadă, Mă întreb de ce nu avansează, Încercând s-ajung în faţă Şi poate că omului care se ocupă de asta Nu-i place faţa mea, Dar lumea asta n...
Nothing's Real But Love [Serbian translation]
Стојећи у реду питам се зашто га не померају Покушавам добити руку гледам како људи крше правила А можда се човеку задуженом не свиђа моје лице Али, о...
Run Free lyrics
I used to know a girl, who had a dream Her head full of ambition, her heart filled with pain Walking the same walk, seeing the same faces Wishing she ...
Shoulder To Shoulder lyrics
Cause I feel safe when you're near me And I can hold you completely Although you constantly hurt me And we fight And we cry And we tell the same lies ...
Shoulder To Shoulder [Spanish translation]
Porque me siento segura cuando estás cerca de mí y puedo agarrarte completamente, aunque constantemente me hieres. Y luchamos y lloramos, y contamos l...
Stormy Weather lyrics
Don't know why There's no sun up in the sky Stormy weather Since my man and I ain't together Keeps raining all of the time raining all of the time And...
Stormy Weather [Greek translation]
Δεν ξέρω γιατί, Δεν υπάρχει ήλιος στον ουρανό Θυελλώδης (ό) καιρός, Από τότε που ο άντρας μου κι εγώ δεν είμαστε μαζί Βρέχει όλη την ώρα Συνέχεια βρέχ...
Superwoman lyrics
I'm not wearing a cape, these are just regular clothes, And I'm praying to God, 'come listen this load. Smiling through the bad times, but it's all ju...
Superwoman [Hungarian translation]
Nem viselek sapkát, ezek csak normál ruhák És nem imádkozom Istenhez, gyere hallgasd ezt a töltetet Mosolyogj a rossz időkben is, de mindezt csak a lá...
Teach Me How To Be Loved lyrics
One foot onto the ice I hold my breath And try to believe Can I look at you with different eyes? Like the girl that I was, when I was 17 The fallen em...
Teach Me How To Be Loved [German translation]
Ein Fuß auf dem Eis Ich halte den Atem an Und versuch daran zu glauben Kann ich dich mit neuen Augen sehen? Wie das Mädchen, das ich war, als ich 17 w...
Teach Me How To Be Loved [Romanian translation]
Cu un picior pe gheaţă, Îmi ţin respiraţia şi încerc să cred, Pot să te privesc cu alţi ochi? Precum fata care am fost când aveam 17 ani. Imperiile de...
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