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Rebecca Ferguson lyrics
On my, on my pride I don't know, I don't know where we could start The bombs they were throwing, we should've know Something would die I look out my w...
All That I've Got lyrics
I almost crumbled I almost fell I almost gave you everything under your spell You almost mattered You almost won You held my fears and weakness in the...
Backtrack lyrics
I can't go along with it You can say just what you like But you still did it You backtrack and change your act At a hundred lies a minute But fool as ...
Backtrack [Greek translation]
Δεν μπορώ να το δεχτώ Μπορείς να πεις ότι θέλεις αλλά παρόλα αυτά το έκανες Αναπολείς και αλλάζεις συμπεριφορά Με εκατό ψέματα το λεπτό Αλλά όσο ανόητ...
Backtrack [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudok már ezzel azonosulni, Mondhatsz, amit akarsz, De mégis megtetted. Visszatáncolsz, másképp viselkedsz, Ezernyi hazugság egy perc alatt. De bá...
Backtrack [Serbian translation]
Ја не могу да се помирим с тим Можете да кажеш шта желиш али и даље си то урадио Можеш одустати и променити чин у стотину лажи у минути Али, иако сам ...
Beautiful Design lyrics
Oooo Yeahhh Oooo Yeahhh If I gave it all up What would I lose If I gave my life Gave it to you If you could see my faults Would you forget them all Wo...
Bones lyrics
I wish that you could see who I really am It's tough being a woman in love with an unkind man Cause baby I'd give you the world, in fact, I already do...
Diamond To Stone lyrics
Second guessing, never learn my lessons, Always chasing after, what somebody else had stole, When you took your chances, I wasn’t burnt to ashes, And ...
Fairytale [Let Me Live My Life This Way] lyrics
OK so I call about a thousand times I wait outside and I join the line With a million girls that are just like me, ooh I got your name saved on my scr...
Fake Smile lyrics
Well, I'm not gonna lie Doesn't work I've tried I've choked up the bitterness with wine Calling him up, fully drunk But he declines count on my blessi...
Fighting Suspicions lyrics
Isn’t it amazing what a lonely heart will have you do Just when you think you’re getting wiser Somebody comes along, and you’re stuck like glue Isn’t ...
Freedom lyrics
There is hope Even as the tears fall on your lips Even as you take another sip And cough from all you've smoked the night before Didn't lose the war S...
Glitter & Gold lyrics
How good or bad, happy or sad Does it have to get? Losing yourself, no cry for help You don’t think you need it And old friends are just a chore, But ...
Hanging On lyrics
Every hurt I will keep Like gold in my pockets And every step I will take Feel a heavier weight Yea I lost my way But I'll find my way home I'll shine...
I Choose You lyrics
What rules you makes you happy But your love will be your guide What you desire Becomes your fire To keep you burning I'm still yearning When I decide...
I Hope lyrics
I used to hate you so easily Look into your eyes so eagerly And whether is cold I wouldn't walk away 'Cause when there's money love is blind He's so b...
I Hope [Hungarian translation]
Nagyon könnyen tudtalak utálni, Megvetően a szemedbe nézni. De ha hideg is volt, Nem tudtam volna elsétálni. Mert amikor pénz van, a szerelem vak, Nag...
I Hope [Hungarian translation]
Olyan könnyen tudtalak gyűlölni Olyan mohón néztem a szemedbe És még ha hideg is lenne Nem sétálnék el Mert a pénz vakká teszi a szerelmet Annyira vak...
I Hope [Romanian translation]
Te uram cu atâta uşurinţă, Te priveam în ochi cu atâta nerăbdare Şi deşi e frig Eu nu aş pleca, Căci atunci când sunt bani, iubirea e oarbă, El e atât...
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