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Miriam Stockley lyrics
Luce e Speranza - Bridal Chorus lyrics
Se tu saprai Cercare in me Luce e speranza Trovare potrai E quando poi Verrà buio Siediti accanto A me, a me Respiro il canto Dentro di te Sei pura ar...
Morte d'Arthur lyrics
You crossed another threshold today And now there's just an empty space And it can’t be that warm where you are - near or far And every journey must r...
One Dream lyrics
One dream in a world that's filled with darkness Longing for the sun to rise again Can you feel the tide has turned? There's a lesson to be learned On...
Pace Al Cuore - Prelude lyrics
Io non so più dar pace al cuor Non so più star lontana in disparte No, non so più come si fa A non amar, a non amarti In ogni momento che ho Sei tu ch...
Perfect Day lyrics
The rain has moved on And left a new day Nothing seems to move, everything is still It's just a perfect day The shadows and light That move with the w...
Perfect Day [Danish translation]
Regnen er taget videre Og efterladt en ny dag Intet synes, at bevæge sig, alt er stille Det er blot en perfekt dag Skyggerne og lyset Som bevæger sig ...
Perfect Day [French translation]
La pluie s'en est allée Et a laissé un nouveau jour. Rien ne semble bouger, tout est calme. C'est juste un jour parfait. Les ombres et la lumière Qui ...
Perfect Day [Romanian translation]
Ploaia plecat_a Si lasat_a o noua zi Nimic nu pare a se misca Totu_i neclintit O perfecta zi e Umbrele si lumina Ce misca impreunate cu adierea Nevazu...
Perfect Day [Romanian translation]
Ploaia a trecut Și a lăsat o nouă zi, Nimic nu pare să se clintească, totul e nemișcat, Este pur și simplu o zi perfecta. Umbrele și lumina Ce se mișc...
Perfect Day [Swedish translation]
Regnet har lämnat En ny dag kommit Inget rör sig, allt är stilla Det är en helt perfekt dag Skuggorna och ljuset Rör sig med vinden Blyga violer växer...
Quanta Vita - Nimrod lyrics
Quanta vida brilla Nei tuoi occhi pieni e veri Occhi di ragazza ricca Sol di libertà, ma basta già Perché la vita è fiamma Scalda ogni ragazza sola Sc...
Randy lyrics
I don't 'wanna to lose you, Randy I don't 'wanna sleep alone I don't 'wanna wake at night Listening for the telephone 'Cos when it comes to love and c...
Se La Luna Fosse Donna lyrics
Se la luna fosse donna, Amerebbe solo te. Se la luna fossi io, Non andrei a cercar le stelle, Ma solo te. Mostra un lato verso il sole Un lo tiene sol...
Song of the Seahorse lyrics
I was dreaming of you as the moon left the sky And at dawns early light I did hear someone cry He is lost to you now, taken so far away I ran down to ...
Spring lyrics
Santa Ana sweeps the midday sand Crazy ripples for a mile Ever sweeping with her healing hand Lazy lizard shows a smile Round in circles you can watch...
Tula lyrics
It's been such a year to remember So hard to make sense of it all I know this world is so crazy But I'm here to soften the fall Time is our healer, an...
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