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Nichole Nordeman lyrics
Kenta Dedachi - All in All [japanese Version]
Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy is Your name Jesus, Lamb of God Worthy ...
In Your Eyes
Love I get so lost, sometimes Days pass And this emptiness fills my heart When I want to run away I drive off in my car But whichever way I go I come ...
Brave lyrics
The gate is wide The road is paved in moderation The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in Welcome to the middle ground You're safe and sound and Unt...
Brave [Hungarian translation]
A kapu széles Az út mértékkel van kikövezve A tömeg kedves és gyorsan behúz téged Üdvözlünk a középúton Ép és egészséges vagy Eddig itt voltam Mert a ...
Dear Me lyrics
Dear Me This is a letter to the girl I used to be Dear Me There are some things that you should know It's not my intention to embarrass or to shame yo...
Dear Me [German translation]
Liebes Ich, Dies ist ein Brief an das Mädchen, das ich früher einmal war. Es gibt einige Dinge, die du wissen solltest. Es ist nicht meine Absicht, di...
Dear Me [Hungarian translation]
Kedves énem Ez egy levél a régi lánynak aki én voltam Kedves énem Van itt néhány dolog, amit tudnod kell Nem áll szándékomban zavarba hozni vagy megsz...
Every Mile Mattered lyrics
Spread the map on the table, with the coffee stain Put your finger on the places, show me where you've been Is that California, where your teardrops d...
Every Mile Mattered [Greek translation]
Άπλωσε τον χάρτη στο τραπέζι, με έναλεκέ από καφέ Βάλε το δάκτυλό σου στα μέρη, δείξε μου που έχεις πάει Αυτή είναι η Καλιφόρνια, που τα δάκρυα σου στ...
Every Mile Mattered [Hungarian translation]
Terítsd ki a térképet az asztalon a kávéfolttal Tedd az ujjadat a helyekre, mutasd meg, merre jártál Az ott Kalifornia, ahol a könnyeid felszáradtak? ...
Gratitude lyrics
Send some rain, would You send some rain? 'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade Would Y...
Holy lyrics
Na…na….holy How many roads did I travel Before I walked down one that led me to You? How many dreams did unravel Before I believed in a hope that was ...
Holy [Croatian translation]
Na... na... svet Koliko puteva sam prešla Prije nego sam krenula onime koji me doveo k Tebi? Koliko snova sam razriješila Prije nego sam povjerovala u...
Holy [German translation]
Na... Na... Heilig Wieviele Straßen habe ich bereist Bevor ich eine entlang gelaufen bin die mich zu dir führte? Wieviele Träume wurden zerstört Bevor...
Holy [Latvian translation]ēts Cik daudz ceļu es gāju Pirms es attapos tur, nonākot pie Tevis? Cik daudz sapņu izjuka Pirms es ticēju īstajai cerībai? Un cik ilgi? C...
Holy [Russian translation]
На...на...свят Сколько дорог я шел Пред которой вела меня к Тебе? Сколько мечт рухнуло Прежде чем верил истинной надежде? И как долго? Как далеко? Что...
Holy [Serbian translation] Koliko puteva je trebalo da proputujem pre nego sto sam prosetala dole jednim koji me je odveo do Tebe ? Koliko snova sam razresila pr...
I Am lyrics
Pencil marks on a wall I wasn't always this tall You scattered some monsters From beneath my bed You watched my team win You watched my team lose Watc...
I Am [Hungarian translation]
Pencil marks on a wall I wasn't always this tall You scattered some monsters From beneath my bed You watched my team win You watched my team lose Watc...
Legacy lyrics
I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me And I enjoy an accolade like the rest And you can take my picture and hang it in a gallery O...
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