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Biagio Antonacci lyrics
Adesso dormi [Czech translation]
Nyní spi, neboť den skončil a skončil dobře navzdory všem našim popraskům skončil dobře Nyní spi, neboť zítra musím pracovat Neříkám, že je lepší stud...
Adesso dormi [English translation]
Now sleep because the day is over... And has ended good... In spite of all our has ended good... Now sleep because tomorrow I work...
Adesso dormi [English translation]
Sleep now, because the day has ended And it has ended well... Despite of all our messes...It has ended well... Sleep now, because tomorrow I
Adesso dormi [Russian translation]
Теперь спи, так как день закончился... И закончился хорошо... Несмотря на весь наш беспорядок...Он закончился хорошо... Теперь спи, потому что завтра ...
Alessandra lyrics
Alessandra, queste sono scale di vita e la vita, forse non l'hai mai conosciuta sei già stanca e l’orologio batte le sei e gli esami lo sai, lo sai, n...
Alessandra [English translation]
Alessandra, this are just life's stairs And the life which maybe you have never known. You are already tired. The clock is striking six. And exams, yo...
Alessandra [English translation]
Alessandra, these are the steps of life and the life, perhaps you have never known you are already tired and the clock strikes six and the exams, you ...
Alessandra [Greek translation]
Αλεξάνδρα, αυτά είναι τα επίπεδα της ζωής κι η ζωή, ίσως δε την έχεις γνωρίσει ποτέ είσαι ήδη κουρασμένη και το ρολόι χτυπάει στις έξι κι οι εξετάσεις...
Alessandra [Russian translation]
Алессандра, это всего лишь лестницы жизни И жизнь, которую ты, возможно, никогда не знала. Ты уже устала. Часы бьют шесть И экзамены, ты знаешь, знаеш...
Almeno non tradirmi tu lyrics
Che ti succede adesso ridi anche tu? e usi spesso il mio profumo perché c'è qualcosa che... c'è qualcuno che è entrato dentro te. Adesso che non ho la...
Almeno non tradirmi tu [English translation]
What is happening to you that even you are laughing? And why do you often use my perfume? Is there anything there is anyone who has entered ...
Almeno non tradirmi tu [English translation]
What's wrong with you, also you laugh now? and you often use my perfume because there is something...there is someone who has entered into you. Now wh...
Almeno non tradirmi tu [Russian translation]
Что происходит с тобой, что ты тоже смеёшься? И почему часто пользуешься моим парфюмом? Есть что-то, что...Есть кто-то, кто вошёл в тебя?.. Теперь, ко...
Amo te lyrics
Amo te, e cominci a tremare sei la parte di me, lo sai più distante da amare Amo te, che sai fare di tutto e che porti più luce qui in questo buco di ...
Amo te [English translation]
I love you And you begin to shiver, You are the part of me, you know, More distant to love. I love you Because you can do all And bring more light her...
Amo te [Russian translation]
Я люблю тебя И ты начинаешь дрожать. Ты - частичка меня, ты это знаешь, Такая далекая, чтобы любить. Я люблю тебя, Потому что ты можешь всё, И приноси...
Angela lyrics
Angela questo è un mondo di merda... Non per quello che fai! Non per quello che sei... Angela, resti sempre negli angoli A nessuno frega chi sei... A ...
Angela [Croatian translation]
Anđela, ovaj svijet je s*anje... Nije za ono što ti radiš! Nije za ono što ti jesi! Anđela... uvijek ostaješ u kutu Nikoga nije briga tko si... Nikoga...
Angela [Czech translation]
Angelo, toto je posranej svět nejsi pro to udělaná nejsi pro to stvořená Angelo, zůstáváš stále v koutě nikomu nezáleží, kdo jsi nikomu nezáleží, co d...
Angela [English translation]
Angela, this world is a shit... It is not worth of what you do! It is not worth of who you are... Angela, you always stay in the corner, No one cares ...
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