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Zahara (Spain) lyrics
negronis y martinis [English translation]
There's something you must know about me I'm right-handed but When I smoke I do it Left-handed You should also know that I'm not A raft but I can swin...
Oh, Salvaje lyrics
Oh, tú, salvaje, te has adentrado has invadido los huecos internos. Acelerando cada latido te has adueñado de mis pensamientos. Oh, por favor, me cues...
Oh, Salvaje [English translation]
Oh, you, wild, you pushed yourself You've invaded the internal cavity Accelerating each heart beat You take possession of my thoughts Oh, please, let ...
Pregúntale al polvo lyrics
No soporto tenerte cerca, Ni tenerte que imaginar, Aunque diga lo que quieres escuchar. Me he cansado de verte, Me he cansado de amar, Pero vuelvo cad...
Pregúntale al polvo [English translation]
I can't stand having you near Nor having you to imagine Even though I say what you wanna hear I'm tired of seeing you I'm tired of loving But each nig...
Ramona lyrics
Contemplé por última vez esa llanura y ahí, rodeada del más profundo de los vacíos, no sentí tristeza. Por un momento pensé que no sentía nada y casi ...
Ramona [English translation]
I looked at that plain for the last time and there, surrounded by the deepest of voids, I didn't feel sadness. For a moment I thought that I felt noth...
Rey de Reyes lyrics
Todos en pie gritan su majestad Tiemblan sus manos, te quieren tocar Hay una fiesta en tu honor Y de rodillas se ofrece ante ti Pero ella jamas seré y...
Rey de Reyes [English translation]
Everyone standing, crying "his majesty" Their hands trembling, they want to touch you There's a feast in your honor And on their knees, they offer the...
SANSA lyrics
Porque da igual lo que avance, una sola palabra tuya bastará para romperme. Como si no estuviera hecha ya de pedazos que tuve que reconstruir y cada v...
SANSA [English translation]
Because it doesn't matter how I progress, a single word from you will be enough to break me. As if I wasn't already made of pieces that I had to rebui...
SANSA [Italian translation]
Perché non importa come procede, una sola tua parola basterà per rompermi. Come se non fossi già fatta di frammenti che vanno ricostruiti e che ogni v...
Senza un perché lyrics
Lei non parla mai Lei non dice mai niente Ha bisogno d'affetto E pensa che il mondo non sia solo questo Non c'è niente di meglio Che stare ferma dentr...
Senza un perché [English translation]
She never speaks She never says anything She needs affection and she thinks that the world is not just this There's nothing better than holding still ...
Taylor lyrics
Ya me lo dijo Taylor Somos yonquis del cariño ajeno Necesitamos el aplauso del extraño Hemos dejado nuestra paz en sus manos He creado castillos Con l...
Taylor [English translation]
Taylor told me already We are junkies of external love We need the stranger's applause We have left our peace in their hands I've built castles With t...
Tijuana Demente [2014] lyrics
No pienso perderme contigo la muerte comparto mi suerte tijuana demente Viva Tijuana Viva Tijuana Demente Ahora comprendo tu foto sin miedo Don Julio ...
Tijuana Demente [2014] [English translation]
No pienso perderme contigo la muerte comparto mi suerte tijuana demente Viva Tijuana Viva Tijuana Demente Ahora comprendo tu foto sin miedo Don Julio ...
Tú me llevas lyrics
Tú me llevas, tú me elevas. Y no hay luces de semáforos. Tú me llevas, me desenredas. Nosotros sobre el asfalto. A través del conducto de ventilación ...
Tú me llevas [English translation]
You carryme, you elevate me. And there are no red lights. You carry me, untangle me. Together on the asphalt. Through the air duct the smells reach me...
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