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Blutengel lyrics
Angel Of The Night [French translation]
Ange de la nuit Dans ma tête, tu es à mes côtés Je te vois — où que tu sois Je sens que tu me touches la peau Le temps se fige... rien que pour nous S...
Angel Of The Night [Italian translation]
Angelo della notte Nella mia mente sei al mio fianco Ti vedo - ovunque tu sia Ti sento toccare la mia pelle Il tempo si è fermato...solo per noi Senza...
Angel Of The Night [Latvian translation]
Nakts eņģelis Manā prātā tu esi man blakus Redzu tevi - lai kur tu būtu Es jūtu, ka tu pieskaries manai ādai Laiks stāv uz vietas...tikai dēļ mums Bez...
Angel's Cry lyrics
The night is dark, I can't even see the stars No light shines on my way to salvation I'm all alone and I do not need companionship No one can turn bac...
Angel's Cry [French translation]
The night is dark, I can't even see the stars No light shines on my way to salvation I'm all alone and I do not need companionship No one can turn bac...
Angel's Cry [Italian translation]
The night is dark, I can't even see the stars No light shines on my way to salvation I'm all alone and I do not need companionship No one can turn bac...
Angel's Cry [Turkish translation]
The night is dark, I can't even see the stars No light shines on my way to salvation I'm all alone and I do not need companionship No one can turn bac...
Angels of the Dark lyrics
You're walking through the streets at night And your heart is full of pain You don't know where to go Your life is full of hate and fears You feel so ...
Angels of the Dark [Dutch translation]
Je loopt 's nachts door de straten En je hart is vol leed Je weet niet waar je moet heen gaan Je leven is vol haat en angsten Je voelt je zo verloren ...
Angels of the Dark [French translation]
Tu arpentes les rues la nuit Le cœur plein de douleur Tu ignores où aller Ta vie est faite de haine et de craintes Tu te sens si perdu et esseulé Tu r...
Angels of the Dark [German translation]
Du wanderst nachts durch die Straßen Und dein Herz ist voller Schmerz Du weißt nicht wohin du gehen sollst Dein Leben ist voller Hass und Angst Du füh...
Angels of the Dark [Greek translation]
Βαδίζεις μέσα στους δρόμους στη νύχτα Και η καρδιά σου είναι γεμάτη από πόνο Δεν ξέρεις που πηγαίνεις Η ζωή σου είναι γεμάτη από μίσος και φόβους Νοιώ...
Angels of the Dark [Italian translation]
Cammini per le strade di notte E il tuo cuore è pieno di dolore Non sai dove andare La tua vita è piena di odio e di paure Ti senti così perso e ti se...
Angels of the Dark [Latvian translation]
Tu staigā pa ielām naktī Un tava sirds ir pilna ar sāpēm Tu nezini kur iet Tava dzīve ir pilna ar naidu un bailēm Tu jūties tik apmaldījies un tu jūti...
Angels of the Dark [Polish translation]
Chodzisz po ulicach po nocy A serce twe pełne bólu. Nie wiesz dokąd iść, Twe życie jest pełne nienawiści i strachów. Czujesz się taki zagubiony i czuj...
Angels of the Dark [Romanian translation]
Umbli noaptea pe străzi, Iar inima ţi-e plină de durere, Nu ştii încotro s-o apuci, Viaţa ţi-e plină de ură şi de temeri Te simţi atât de pierdut şi t...
Another Dream lyrics
Another dream Another hope Another war leads to the end People will never learn Only darkness surrounds you And it's killing the light So you can't se...
Another Dream [French translation]
Un autre rêve Un autre espoir Une autre guerre mène à la fin Les gens n’apprendront jamais Autour de toi, il n’y a que les ténèbres Qui tuent la lumiè...
Another Dream [Italian translation]
Un altro sogno Un'altra speranza Un'altra guerra che ci conduce verso la fine La gente non imparerà mai Sei circondato solamente dall'oscurità E sta u...
Another Dream [Latvian translation]
Vēl viens sapnis Vēl viena cerība Vēl viens karš ved uz beigām Cilvēki nekad nemācīsies Tevi ieskauj tikai tumsa Un tā nogalina gaismu Lai tu nevarētu...
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