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David Garrett lyrics
Io Ti Penso Amore
Io ti penso amore Quando il bagliore del sole Risplende sul mare. Io ti penso amore Quando ogni raggio della luna Si dipinge sulle fonti. Io ti vedo Q...
Io Ti Penso Amore [Bulgarian translation]
Мисля за теб, моя любов, Когато сиянието на слънцето Блести над морето. Мисля за теб, моя любов, Когато всеки лунен лъч Се обагря от изворите Виждам т...
Io Ti Penso Amore [English translation]
I think of you, love When the sun's glare shines over the sea. I think about you, love when every moonbeam gets painted on the springs. I see you when...
Io Ti Penso Amore [English translation]
I think of you love When the glare of the sun Shining sea. I think of you love When every ray of the moon It is painted on the sources. I see you When...
Io Ti Penso Amore [English translation]
I think of you, love When the sun's glare shines over the sea. I think about you, love when every moonbeam gets painted on the springs. I see you when...
Io Ti Penso Amore [French translation]
Je pense à toi, mon amour Quand l’éclat du soleil Brille sur la mer. Je pense à toi, mon amour Quand chaque rayon de la lune Se peint sur les sources....
Io Ti Penso Amore [German translation]
Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer Vom Meere strahlt; Ich denke dein, wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer In Quellen malt. Ich sehe dich, wenn auf d...
Io Ti Penso Amore [Romanian translation]
Mă gândesc la tine iubitule Când frumusețea soarelui Străluceste pe mare. Mă gândesc la tine iubitule Când fiecare rază a lunii Se pictează pe izvoare...
Io Ti Penso Amore [Russian translation]
Думаю о тебе, любимый, когда отблески солнца искрятся на море, Думаю о тебе, любимый, Когда каждый луч луны рису́ется на источниках. Я тебя вижу Когда...
Io Ti Penso Amore [Spanish translation]
Pienso en ti, amor Cuando el resplandor del sol Brilla sobre el mar. Pienso en ti, amor Cuando cada rayo de la luna Pinta las fuentes. Yo te veo Cuand...
Io Ti Penso Amore [Turkish translation]
Seni düşünüyorum sevgilim, güneşin ışıltısı denize vurunca. Seni düşünüyorum sevgilim, mehtapla pınarlar beyaza bürününce. Seni görüyorum, uzak yollar...
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