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Al Martino lyrics
Come Live Your Life with Me [The Godfather Waltz] [Romanian translation]
No one can buy tomorrow, No one can sell their sorrow, But when you look into my eyes Darling, you'll always see... Love, I will give you love. Come, ...
Come Share The Wine lyrics
The streets were dark And the night was cold and yet I walk alone I saw the lights of a cosy place with lanterns all aglow Somebody cried, "Don't wait...
Cuore di Mamma lyrics
Cuore di mamma, cuore di mamma mia. Quanta malinconia quando non ci sei tu. Cuore di mamma, tu che sei tutto amore. Ardente come fiamma, che non si sp...
Cuore di Mamma [Spanish translation]
Cuore di mamma, cuore di mamma mia. Quanta malinconia quando non ci sei tu. Cuore di mamma, tu che sei tutto amore. Ardente come fiamma, che non si sp...
Daddy's Little Girl lyrics
You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold, You're daddy's little girl to have and hold. A precious gem is what you are, You're mommy's bright and ...
Daddy's Little Girl [Romanian translation]
Eşti capătul curcubeului, ulciorul meu cu aur*, Eşti fetiţa tatei, pe care o am ca să o îmbrăţişez. Un diamant preţios - iată ce eşti, Eşti steluţa st...
Daddy's Little Girl [Spanish translation]
Eres el final del arcoíris, mi olla de oro Eres la chica de papá para tener y sujetar Una gema preciosa es lo que eres, Eres la brillante y resplandec...
I have but one heart lyrics
I have but one heart, this heart I bring you, I have but one heart to share with you, I have but one dream that I can cling to, You are the one dream ...
I have but one heart [Turkish translation]
Tek bir kalbim var Sana getiriyorum bu kalbi Tek bir kalbim var Senle paylaşacak Tek bir rüyam var sarılabileceğim Sen tek rüyamsın Dua ettiğim,gerçek...
Mary in the Morning lyrics
Nothing's quite as pretty as Mary in the morning When through a sleepy haze I see her lying there Soft as the rain that falls on summer flowers Warm a...
Mary in the Morning [Italian translation]
Nulla è bello quanto Mary al mattino Quando attraverso un annebbiamento assonnato la vedo stesa li Delicata come la pioggia che cade sui fiori estivi ...
Spanish eyes lyrics
Blue Spanish eyes Teardrops are falling from your Spanish eyes Please, please don't cry This is just adios and not goodbye Soon I'll return Bringing y...
Spanish eyes [Serbian translation]
Тужне шпанске очи Капље суза падају из твојихшпанских очију Молим те, молим те, не плачи Ово је само адиос, а не збогом Ускоро се враћам Донећу ти сву...
Spanish eyes [Spanish translation]
Ojos hispanos azules Lágrimas caen de tus ojos hispanos Por favor, por favor no llores Ésto es solo un adiós y no "goodbye" Pronto volveré Trayendo to...
Stay lyrics
Stay Stay darling, stay Just like this, stay this way In my arms, on my heart May our lips never part Give me all your sighs Keep my love in your eyes...
Stay [Spanish translation]
Stay Stay darling, stay Just like this, stay this way In my arms, on my heart May our lips never part Give me all your sighs Keep my love in your eyes...
Stay [Turkish translation]
Stay Stay darling, stay Just like this, stay this way In my arms, on my heart May our lips never part Give me all your sighs Keep my love in your eyes...
Take My Heart lyrics
Take my heart it's yours forever Tell me yours is mine alone Since we met I cans't forget you Love like this I've never known Every single beat tells ...
Take My Heart [French translation]
Prends mon cœur, il est à toi pour toujours. Dis-moi que le tien est à moi seul ! Depuis que nous nous sommes rencontrés, je ne peux pas t'oublier. Je...
The Shadow of Your Smile lyrics
The shadow of your smile When you have gone Will color all my dreams And light the dawn Look into my eyes My love, and see All the lovely things You a...
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