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The Everly Brothers lyrics
Devoted to You lyrics
Darling you can count on me Till the sun dries up the sea Until then I'll always be Devoted to you I'll be yours through endless time I'll adore your ...
Devoted to You [Romanian translation]
Scumpo, poți conta pe mine Până când soarele usucă marea. Până atunci îți voi fi mereu Devotat ție. Voi fi al tău prin timpul nesfârșit, Îți voi adora...
Devoted to You [Russian translation]
Дорогая, ты можешь рассчитывать на меня Пока солнце солнце подымается над морем Я всегда буду Предан тебе Я буду твоим до нескончаемых времён Я буду о...
Devoted to You [Serbian translation]
Draga,možeš računati na mene Dok Sunce ne isuši more Do tada ću uvijek biti Odan tebi Biću tvoj do kraja vremena Obožavaću tvoje uzvišene draži Sada v...
Devoted to You [Turkish translation]
Sevgilim bana güvenebilirsin Güneş denizi kurutana kadar O zamana kadar her zaman Sana sadık olacağım Sonsuz zaman boyunca senin olacağım Büyüleyicili...
Devoted to You [Ukrainian translation]
Мила, можешти надіятис на мене Доки ж сонце випарить море До того часу я завжди буду Присвячений тобі Я буду твоїм через нескінченний час Я буду обожн...
Down In the Willow Garden lyrics
Down in the Willow garden Where me and my love did meet As we sat a-courtin' My love fell off to sleep I had a bottle of Burgundy wine My love she did...
Down In the Willow Garden [Portuguese translation]
Down in the Willow garden Where me and my love did meet As we sat a-courtin' My love fell off to sleep I had a bottle of Burgundy wine My love she did...
Down In the Willow Garden [Turkish translation]
Down in the Willow garden Where me and my love did meet As we sat a-courtin' My love fell off to sleep I had a bottle of Burgundy wine My love she did...
Empty Boxes lyrics
A beggarly account of empty boxes That is all I own in this world Oh Diana, sweet Diana To flirt and fling a young girl dressed in ribbons Taking fanc...
I Used to Love You lyrics
I used to love you, not so long ago I used to love you But I can't pretend that I don't know Whenever I turn my back to go You're beatin' down somebod...
Kentucky lyrics
Kentucky You are the dearest land outside of Heaven to me Kentucky I miss your laurel and your redbud trees When I die, I want to rest upon a graceful...
Kentucky [French translation]
Kentucky, Tu es la terre la plus chère à mes yeux, à part le Paradis Kentucky, Tes lauriers et tes gainiers rouges me manquent Lorsque je mourrai, Je ...
Kentucky [Russian translation]
Кентукки Ты самая дорогая земля под небесами для меня Кентукки Я скучаю по твоим лаврам и по твоим редбадовским деревьям Когда я умру Я хочу покояться...
Let It Be Me lyrics
I bless the day I found you I want to stay around you And so I beg you Let it be me Don't take this Heaven from one If you must cling to someone Now a...
Let It Be Me [French translation]
Je bénis le jour où je t'ai trouvée Je veux rester avec toi Et donc je t’en supplie Fait en sorte que ce soit moi N’enlève pas ce paradis à qui que ce...
Let It Be Me [Russian translation]
Я благословляю тот день, когда нашел тебя Я хочу остаться рядом с тобой И поэтому я прошу тебя Пусть это буду я Не отними рай от меня Если хочешь быть...
Like Strangers lyrics
Like strangers. That's what we are. Darling how can lovers pull apart so far? Like strangers. How can it be? Only days ago, we loved so tenderly. I lo...
Like Strangers [Russian translation]
Like strangers. That's what we are. Darling how can lovers pull apart so far? Like strangers. How can it be? Only days ago, we loved so tenderly. I lo...
Love Hurts lyrics
Love hurts, love scars Love wounds and mars Any heart not tough Nor strong enough To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain Love is like a cloud, hold...
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