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Gaby Moreno featuring lyrics
Fuiste tú lyrics
Fuiste tú, Tenerte fue una foto tuya puesta en mi cartera, un beso y verte hacer pequeño por la carretera. Lo tuyo fue la intermitencia y la melancolí...
Fuiste tú [Bulgarian translation]
Беше ти да те имам бе твоя снимка поставена в портфейла ми една целувка и да те видя смаляващ се поел по пътя твоето бе на моменти и меланхолия моето ...
Fuiste tú [Catalan translation]
Vas ser tu, Tenir-te va ser una foto teva a la meva cartera, un petó i veure't empetitir per la carretera. Allò teu va ser la intermitència i la malen...
Fuiste tú [Croatian translation]
To bio si ti, imati te bila je tvoja fotografija stavljena u mom novčaniku, jedan poljubaci malo vidjeti te na ulici. Tvoje je bilo prekidanje i melan...
Fuiste tú [English translation]
It was you To have you was to have your picture in my wallet, A kiss and seeing you disappear on the road, Yours was the intermittent and the melancho...
Fuiste tú [English translation]
It was you To have you was your pictures in my wallet A kiss and seeing you disappear on the road, Yours was the intermittent and the melancholy Mine ...
Fuiste tú [English translation]
It was you, Having you was like having a photo of you in my wallet , A kiss and to see you get smaller down the road. Yours was intermittence and mela...
Fuiste tú [English translation]
It was you To be with you was to have your photo in my purse A kiss and to see you grow small in the distance Yours was the intermittency and the mela...
Fuiste tú [French translation]
Ca a été toi, T'avoir a été de garder une photo de toi dans mon sac, Un baiser et te voir t'éloigner depuis la route. Tu n'as été qu'intermittence et ...
Fuiste tú [German translation]
(Gaby:) Du warst es, Dich zu haben war ein Foto von Dir in meiner Brieftasche, Ein Kuss und zu sehen, wie Du kleiner wirst auf der Straße. Deins war e...
Fuiste tú [Greek translation]
Ήσουν εσύ, το να σε έχω ήταν μία φωτογραφία στο πορτοφόλι μου Ένα φιλί και σε βλέπω να απομακρύνεσαι από το δρόμο Το δικό σου ήταν η διακοπή και η μελ...
Fuiste tú [Italian translation]
Sei Stato Tu, Tenerti era una foto tua posta nel portafoglio, Un bacio e ci vediamo nella strada piccola. Il tuo era l'intermettenza e la malinconia, ...
Fuiste tú [Persian translation]
تو بودی یکی از عکس های تو در کیف جیبی من بود برای اینکه داشته باشمت و یک بوسه و نگاه تو که در جاده محو می شد برای تو تکرار بود و تکرار بود و افسردگی و...
Fuiste tú [Portuguese translation]
Foi você Ter você foi uma foto sua na minha carteira Um beijo e ver você ficar pequeno na estrada Suas foram a intermitência e a melancolia Meu foi ac...
Fuiste tú [Romanian translation]
Ai fost tu, Să te am a fost ca o fotografie de-a ta în portofelul meu, Un sărut și-apoi te vedeam cum te făceai mic pe drum. La tine n-a predominat de...
Fuiste tú [Serbian translation]
То био си ти, имати те била је твоја фотографија стављена у мом новчанику, један пољубац и мало видети те на улици. Твоје је било прекидање и меланхол...
Kiss of fire
Con este tango que es burlón y compadrito se ató dos alas la ambición de mi suburbio. con este tango nació el tango, y como un grito salió del sórdido...
Kiss of fire [English translation]
With this tango which is mocking and cocky Two wings were attached to the ambition of my neighborhood With this tango, Tango was born, and like a yell...
Kiss of fire [English translation]
With this tango that is frisky and is flashy, two wings have grown on my poor slum that was all trashy With this tango tango's brought forth and like ...
Kiss of fire [French translation]
Avec ce tango qui est moqueur et compère Deux ailes s'attachent à l'ambition de mon quartier De ce tango naquit le tango et comme un cri Sortit du sor...
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