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PVRIS lyrics
Waking up [Turkish translation]
Uzuvlarımın soğuktan uyuştuğunu hissediyorum Ne hale geldiğime iyi bak Göğüs kafesimde bir delik var Ve kimseye yer bıraktığını sanmıyorum Geriye kala...
Walk Alone lyrics
I was your be all end all, your rise and your fall. I was the smoke in your lungs tearing you apart. I was the slur in your speech, nightmares to your...
Walk Alone [Turkish translation]
Ben senin her şeyindim her şeyin sonuydum,Seni parçalara ayıran ciğerlerindeki dumandım. Konuşmandaki hakarettim, rüyalarındaki kabuslardım. Beni tanı...
What's Wrong lyrics
2 years gone Came back as some bones and so cynical This skin don't feel like home It's all overgrown but you'll never know Take the mirror from the w...
What's Wrong [French translation]
Partie depuis deux années Je suis revenue comme des os et tellement cynique Je ne me sens pas chez moi dans cette peau C’est tout envahi, mais vous ne...
What's Wrong [Italian translation]
2 anni sono andati Faccio ritorno come qualche ossa e così cinica Questa pelle non mi fa sentire a casa E' tutta ricoperta ma tu non lo saprai mai Tog...
White Noise lyrics
It's hard to be what you need through a static screen. Been trying to speak for weeks and weeks. Open my mouth, All that comes out is white noise and ...
White Noise [French translation]
C'est difficile d'être ce dont tu as besoin à travers un écran statique J'essaye de parler depuis des semaines J'ouvre ma bouche, Tout ce qui sort c'e...
White Noise [Italian translation]
È difficile essere quello che ti serve attraverso uno schermo statico. Cercando di parlare per settimane e settimane. Apro la mia bocca, E tutto ciò c...
White Noise [Romanian translation]
E greu sa fii ceea ce ai nevoie printr-un ecran Am incercat a vorbi de saptamani si saptamani Am deschis gura ... Tot ce iese este zumzet auriu si sun...
White Noise [Russian translation]
Трудно быть кем нужно на неподвижном экране, Пытаясь говорить неделю за неделей. Открываю рот, Все, что слышно - белый шум и неразборчивые звуки. И вс...
Winter lyrics
Don’t need to speak, I think we’ve had enough of each other. Don’t make it worse, All we did, all we did was suffer. You were just physical touch, not...
Winter [French translation]
Pas besoin de parler, Je pense que nous en avons assez réciproquement. N’empire pas la chose, Tout ce que nous faisions, tout ce que nous faisions éta...
Winter [Turkish translation]
Konuşmaya gerek yok, Bence birbirimize yeterliyiz. Bunu daha da kötüleştirirme, Tek yaptığımız, Tek yaptığımız acı çekmekti. Sen sadece fiziksel bir d...
Wish You Well lyrics
At the risk of throwing off your center Psychic told me something in September We'd be burning out but always tethered But I never let you know Kinda ...
You And I lyrics
You and I. I know it's warmer where you are And it's safer by your side But right now I can't be what you want Just give it time And if you and I Can ...
You And I [French translation]
Toi et moi Je sais qu'il fait plus chaud là où tu es Et que c'est plus sûr à tes côtés Mais je ne peux pas être ce que tu veux maintenant Donne moi le...
You And I [German translation]
Du und ich. Ich weiß, dass es wärmer ist wo du bist Und es ist sicherer aif deiner Seite. Aber gerade kann ich nicht das sein was zu brauchst Gib dem ...
You And I [Greek translation]
Εσύ κι εγώ. Ξέρω πως είναι πιο ζεστά εκεί που είσαι Και θα είναι πιο ασφαλές στο πλευρό σου Όμως τώρα δεν μπορώ να είμαι αυτό που θες Απλά δώσε λίγο χ...
You And I [Hungarian translation]
Te és én. Tudom, hogy melegebb van, ahol te vagy És biztonságosabb melletted De most nem tudok az lenni, amit te akarsz Csak adj időt És ha te és én K...
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