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PVRIS lyrics
Fire [French translation]
Ne blâme pas ta mort sur la merde dans ta tête que tu Clames t'avoir dévoré comme un virus pendant des jours sans fin Je t'ai regardé te détruire Je t...
Fire [Greek translation]
Μη κατηγορείς το θάνατό σου για τα σκατά που υπάρχουν μέσα στο κεφάλι σου τα οποία εσύ ισχυρίστηκες ότι σε έφαγαν όπως ένας ιός για μέρες μέχρι το τέλ...
Fire [Italian translation]
Non dare la colpa della tua morte, alla merda nella tua testa, che dicevi ti avesse mangiato per giorni e giorni come un virus. Ti ho guardato decader...
Ghosts lyrics
I'm the one with the ghosts in my bed, but they only come alive at night. Stuck in my sheets an accustomed coffin, I swear that I'll be fine, I'll be ...
Ghosts [French translation]
Je suis celle avec les fantômes dans mon lit, Mais ils ne viennent à la vie que la nuit Coincée dans mes draps, un cercueil auquel je suis habituée Je...
Ghosts [Italian translation]
Io sono quella con i fantasmi nel mio letto, ma loro si animano solo di notte. bloccata nelle mie lenzuola, una bara preparata apposta Giuro che starò...
Gimme a Minute lyrics
[Verse 1] Wide awake Just cut the head off of a snake Wanted venom, got a taste You'll never know how much it takes All the pain to fade away [Verse 2...
Gimme a Minute [German translation]
[Strophe 1] Hellwach Hab vorhin einer Schlange den Kopf abgeschnitten Wollte Gift, bekam eine Kostprobe Du wirst nie wissen, wie viel es verlangt, dam...
Gimme a Minute [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Проснись, Просто отрежь голову у змеи, Захотел яда, попробовал на вкус, Ты никогда не узнаешь, как много нужно сделать, Чтобы вся эта боль ...
Good To Be Alive lyrics
Learning how to swim, but the land's all dry Feeling like a shark; if I stop, I'll die (Woah-oh, woah-oh) Veins are lit and my blood's on fire Underne...
Half [Visualette] lyrics
Some days I feel everything, others are numbing. Can never find the in between, it’s all or nothing. I never, never, never said that I wanted, I never...
Half [Visualette] [French translation]
Il y a des jours où je ressens tout, d’autres indifférents. Je ne pourrais jamais trouver le juste milieu, c’est tout ou rien. Je n’ai jamais, jamais,...
Half [Visualette] [Italian translation]
Alcuni giorni percepisco tutto, altri sono paralizzata. Non riesco mai a trovare una via di mezzo, è tutto o niente. Non ho mai, mai, mai detto di ave...
Half [Visualette] [Turkish translation]
Bazen her şeyi hissediyorum diğerleri sadece uyuşuyor Hiçbir zaman ortasını bulamadım, ya hepsi ya da hiçbiri Asla, asla, asla istediğimi söylemedim A...
Hallucinations lyrics
[Verse 1] Falling backwards What  comes after the words you said? They  knocked us from our high I always thought we'd have another life Dancing alone...
Hallucinations [Greek translation]
Πέφτω ανάποδα Τι ακολουθεί τις λέξεις που είπες; Μας έδιωξαν από τα ψηλά μας Πάντα πίστευα ότι θα είχαμε κι άλλη ζωή Χορεύω μόνη μου Έμεινα στις σκιές...
Hallucinations [Italian translation]
[Strofa 1] Cadendo all'indietro Cosa viene dopo le parole che hai detto? Ci hanno buttato giù dall'alto Ho sempre pensato che avremmo avuto un'altra v...
Hallucinations [Russian translation]
Падаю назад Что будет после слов, которые ты сказал? Они сбили нас с нашего пути Я всегда думала,что у нас будет другая жизнь Танцую одна Оставленная ...
Hallucinations [Turkish translation]
[Sözler 1] Geriye doğru düşüyorum Söylediğin kelimelerden sonra ne gelir? Bizi tepemizden vurdular Hep başka bir hayatımızın olacağını düşünürdüm Tek ...
Heaven lyrics
I think we were cursed from the start, Second I let you into my heart. Do you think we were speaking in tongues, Or simply not enough? Do you ever won...
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