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Zero 7 lyrics
Zero 7 - Destiny
I lie awake I've gone to ground I'm watching porn In my hotel dressing gown Now I dream of you But I still believe There's only enough for one in this...
Destiny [Croatian translation]
Ležim budna Skrivena od svijeta Gledam pornjavu U hotelskom ogrtaču za kupanje Sad sanjam o tebi Ali još vjerujem Postoji mjesto samo za jednog u ovoj...
Destiny [Greek translation]
(1Κουπλε) Ξαπλώνω ξύπνια Κρατώ χαμηλό προφίλ Βλέπω πορνό φορώντας την ρόμπα του ξενοδοχείου Τώρα σε ονειρεύομαι Αλλά ακόμα πιστεύω Έχει χώρο μόνο για ...
Destiny [Serbian translation]
Лежим будан, кријем се од света, гледам порниће у хотелском бадемантилу. Иако сањам о теби и даље верујем да у овом самотном хотелском апартману има м...
You're the prince to my ballerina You feed other people's parking meters You encourage the eating of ice cream You would somersault in sand with me Yo...
Home lyrics
Lost in cheap delirium, searching the neon lights. I move carefully. Sink in the city aquarium, sing in the key of night as they're watching me. Take ...
Home [Croatian translation]
Izgubljena u jeftinom deliriju, dok tražim neonska svjetla. Oprezno se krećem. Tonem u gradskom akvariju, pjevam u ključu noći dok me gledaju. Odvedi ...
I Have Seen lyrics
Old man there people stare Thinking back to God knows where Always back to where he's been I have seen, I have seen Time goes so slow Days come and go...
In The Waiting Line lyrics
Wait in line 'Till your time Ticking clock Everyone stop Everyone's saying different things to me Different things to me Everyone's saying different t...
In The Waiting Line [Croatian translation]
Čekaj u redu dok tvoje vrijeme kuckajući sat Svi stanu Svi mi govore različite stvari Mi govore različite stvari Svi mi govore različite stvari Mi gov...
In The Waiting Line [Turkish translation]
Sırada bekle Vaktin gelene dek Saat tik-taklıyor Herkes duruyor Herkes bana başka bir şey diyor Başka bir şey diyor Herkes bana başka bir şey diyor Ba...
Passing by lyrics
I don't think you love me Confusion's settling in I don't think I'll be staying Around here anymore There's no question that I love you But I'm living...
Passing by [Croatian translation]
Ne mislim da me voliš Zbunjenost se uvukla Ne mislim da ću ostati ovdje još dugo Nije upitno da te volim Ali živim u svom svijetu Pa ovdje razmišljam ...
Swimmers lyrics
Do you know We are the young ghosts In reverse Our stories unfold Moving slow We’re just killing time And we know This fear is a crime Surrender to yo...
Swimmers [Russian translation]
Do you know We are the young ghosts In reverse Our stories unfold Moving slow We’re just killing time And we know This fear is a crime Surrender to yo...
The Pageant of the Bizarre lyrics
It's never gonna be Normal, you and me What you're signing on for Is a storm at sea So if you think you're tough Give me all your love And I'll give y...
The Pageant of the Bizarre [Croatian translation]
Nikad neće biti normalno, ti i ja Ti bi želio oluju na moru Pa misliš ako si grub Da mi daješ svu svoju ljubav I ja ću ti dati svaki djelić sebe Uhvat...
The Pageant of the Bizarre [Hungarian translation]
Ez sosem lesz Normális közted és köztem. Mi az amit megtennél ezért? Ez egy vihar a tengeren. Tehát azt hiszed, kemény vagy, Akkor add nekem minden sz...
The Space Between lyrics
Now that you're older Taking the time to look Back over your shoulder On the days confusion took Now that you're wiser Surely you've learned to read i...
This World lyrics
Another child is born Another race is won Another dream is shattered Another day has begun This world is still afloat No not in Noah's boat We've only...
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