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Black Sabbath lyrics
Anno Mundi [Portuguese translation]
Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Consegue me ver, está próximo de mim? Consegue me ouvir clamando pela vida? Consegue...
Anno Mundi [Spanish translation]
Espíritu Santo Anno, Anno Mundi1 Espíritu Santo Anno, Anno Mundi ¿Puedes verme? ¿Estás cerca mío? ¿Puedes escucharme llorar por la vida? ¿Puedes decir...
Back Street Kids lyrics
I'm just another back street kid Rock 'n Roll music is the only thing I really dig Can't stop the music going round inside my head I'm a rock 'n roll ...
Back Street Kids [Spanish translation]
Sólo soy otro niño de la calle, el Rock and Roll es lo único que de verdad me gusta, no puedo detener a la música sonar en mi cabeza, soy un soldado d...
Back To Eden lyrics
We are the star demons, reaching out yeah We want to touch your world We are the dream makers, pure and sweet yeah We're gonna change your world When ...
Back To Eden [Portuguese translation]
We are the star demons, reaching out yeah We want to touch your world We are the dream makers, pure and sweet yeah We're gonna change your world When ...
Back To Eden [Russian translation]
We are the star demons, reaching out yeah We want to touch your world We are the dream makers, pure and sweet yeah We're gonna change your world When ...
Back To Eden [Spanish translation]
We are the star demons, reaching out yeah We want to touch your world We are the dream makers, pure and sweet yeah We're gonna change your world When ...
Behind the Wall of Sleep lyrics
Visions cupped within a flower Deadly petals with strange power Faces shine a deadly smile Look upon you at your trial Chill that numbs from head to t...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Croatian translation]
Vizije ukalupljene unutar cvijeta Smrtonosne latice s čudnom moći Lica blješte smrtonosnim osmijehom Vidi sebe na svom suđenju Hladnoća što otupljuje ...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Greek translation]
Οράματα εγκλωβισμένα μέσα σ' ένα λουλούδι Θανατηφόρα πέταλα με μια μυστήρια δύναμη Πρόσωπα που ακτινοβολούν ένα θανάσιμο χαμόγελο, Σε κοιτάζουν στη δί...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Italian translation]
Visioni racchiuse all'interno di un fiore Petali morenti dall'insolito potere I volti scintillano un sorriso agonico Guardati al processo Il gelo che ...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Portuguese translation]
Visões em concha dentro de uma flor Pétalas mortais com poder estranho Rostos brilham com um sorriso mortal Olhe para você em seu julgamento Calafrios...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Russian translation]
Видения собрались внутри цветка, Его мертвящие лепестки имеют странную власть. Мертвенные улыбки сияют на лицах, Смотрящих на тебя на суде над тобой. ...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Serbian translation]
Визије у ћупу са цветом, Угинуле латице са чудном моћи. Лица исијавају смртни смешак, Погледај на свој процес. Језа која трне од главе до пете, "Зубат...
Behind the Wall of Sleep [Spanish translation]
Visiones ahuecadas dentro de una flor, pétalos moribundos con un poder extraño, rostros brillan con una sonrisa mortal, mira hacia tu juicio final. Es...
Black Moon lyrics
Oh the devil is rising with the moon He cries and my blood runs cold Oh no never was the darkness so black No light and nowhere to go My spirit is cry...
Black Moon [German translation]
Oh, der Teufel erhebt sich mit dem Mond Er schreit und mir gefriert das Blut. Oh nein, noch nie war die Dunkelheit so düster Kein Licht und kein Entri...
Black Moon [Italian translation]
Oh, il diavolo si leva con la luna Grida ed il mio sangue scorre gelido Oh no, mai l'oscurità è stata così nera Nessuna luce, nessun luogo in cui anda...
Black Moon [Russian translation]
О, дьявол поднимается вместе с луной Он кричит, в моих венах стынет кровь О, никогда ещё темнота не была такой чёрной Нет света, идти уже некуда Моя д...
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