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Black Sabbath lyrics
Air Dance [Russian translation]
Она безмолвна ночью в мире грёз, На стёртых фото - танец бальных звёзд. В мечтах блуждая по морям времён, Воспоминаний счастливый танец-сон. Во дни мл...
Air Dance [Russian translation]
она восседает в безмолвии, в своем полуночном мире ее блеклые рисунки, с танцующими девочками ее далекий мечтатель затерялся в морях времен ее счастли...
Air Dance [Spanish translation]
Ella se sienta en silencio, en su mundo de medianoche, sus imágenes desvanecidas, de sus chicas danzantes, ella, soñadora distante, en los mares del t...
All Moving Parts [Stand Still] lyrics
Super animation, turning on a nation And they’re saying all moving parts stand still Since he was elected, adrenalin injected Hear him saying all movi...
All Moving Parts [Stand Still] [Spanish translation]
Genial animación, cambiando una nación, y dicen ellos que todas las partes móviles se quedan quietas, desde que él fue elegido, -adrenalina inyectada,...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? lyrics
Everybody's looking at me, Feeling paranoid inside. When I step outside ...I feel free, Think I'll find a place to hide. Tell me people, am I going in...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [French translation]
Tout le monde me regarde. Je sens la paranoïa en moi Lorsque je mets le pied dehors Je me sens libre, Je crois que je trouverai un endroit où me cache...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [Greek translation]
Όλοι με κοιτάζουν Νιώθω παρανοϊκός μέσα μου. Όταν βγαίνω ... νιώθω ελεύθερος, Νομίζω θα βρω ένας μέρος να κρυφτώ. Πείτε μου, μήπως τρελαίνομαι;.. τρελ...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [Russian translation]
Каждый, кто посмотрит на меня, Чувствует души безумие. (Чувствует безумие в душе). И когда свободен в чувствах я, Думаю, найду,-укрыться где. Так скаж...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [Serbian translation]
Svi gledaju u mene Osećam se paranoično Kad izađem van ...Osećam se slobodno Mislim da ću naći mesto da se sakrijem Recite mi ljudi, da li ja to ludim...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [Spanish translation]
Todos me están mirando, siento la paranoia dentro de mí, cuando voy afuera, siento libre. Creo que encontraré un lugar donde esconderme. Decidme...
Am I Going Insane [Radio]? [Turkish translation]
Herkes dikmiş bana gözlerini, İçten içe paranoyak hissediyorum. Dışarı adım atınca Özgür hissediyorum, Saklanacak bir yer bulacağımı düşünüyorum. Söyl...
Ancient Warrior lyrics
There's no end, there's no beginning to the old man's story Does he still remember me from lives gone by? I see his spirit rising upon the black of ti...
Ancient Warrior [Italian translation]
Non c'e' fine, non c'e inizio alla storia del vecchio Si ricorda ancora di me delle vite andate? Vedo il suo spirito elevarsi nell'oscurita' del tempo...
Ancient Warrior [Spanish translation]
No hay un final, no hay inicio a la historia del viejo, ¿todavía me recordará de vidas pasadas?, veo su espíritu ascendiendo de la negrura del tiempo,...
Angry Heart lyrics
I still remember how it used to be I thought the only thing That mattered was me You always told me it was just insane To feel such joy While others f...
Angry Heart [Italian translation]
Ricordo com'ero Pensavo alla sola cosa Che aveva una qualche importanza per me Mi dicevi sempre che era semplicemente folle Provare questa gioia Mentr...
Angry Heart [Spanish translation]
Todavía recuerdo cómo solía ser, pensé que la única cosa que importaba, era yo. Siempre me dijiste que era una locura, el sentir tanta alegría, mientr...
Anno Mundi lyrics
Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Can you see me, are you near me? Can you hear me crying out for life? Can you tell m...
Anno Mundi [Portuguese translation]
Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Spiritus Sanctus Anno Anno Mundi Você consegue me ver, você está perto de mim? Você pode me ouvir gritando pela vida?...
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