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Black Sabbath lyrics
Loner lyrics
He's just a loner He never says hello A friend to no-one He's got no place to go He don't look happy He looks through fertile eyes He ain't got nothin...
Loner [German translation]
Er ist nur ein Einzelgänger Er sagt niemals Hallo Er ist keinFreund vonirgendjemandem Er kann nirgendwo hin Er sieht nicht glücklich aus Er schaut dur...
Loner [Greek translation]
Είναι απλά ένας μοναχικός τύπος Ποτέ δεν λέει "γειά" Φίλος κανενός Δεν έχει κανένα μέρος να πάει. Δεν μοιάζει χαρούμενος Κοιτάζει με έντονα μέτια Δεν ...
Loner [Portuguese translation]
Ele é apenas um solitário Nunca diz olá Amigo de ninguém Ele não tem para onde ir Não parece feliz Ele olha através de olhos férteis Ele não tem nada ...
Loner [Russian translation]
Он просто одиночка, Который никогда не здоровается, И нет у него друзей, И ему некуда пойти. У него несчастный вид, Он смотрит плодотворными глазами, ...
Loner [Serbian translation]
On je samo usamljenik Nikad ne pozdravlja Nikome prijatelj Nema gde da ode Ne izgleda srećno Gleda kroz plodonosne oči On nema ništa Nikog da saoseća,...
Loner [Turkish translation]
O yapayalnız biri Hiç selam bile vermez Hiçbir arkadaşı olmamasından geçtim Gidecek bir yeri bile yoktur. Pek mutlu görünmez. Fıldır fıldır bakışlarıy...
Looking for today lyrics
It's complete but obsolete All tomorrow's become yesterday In demand but second-hand It's been heard before you even play Up to date but came too late...
Looking for today [Croatian translation]
Potpuna je, ali suvišna Sve sutrašnjice postaju jučer Popularne, ali rabljene Čulo se prije nego si i zasvirao U skladu s modom, ali došlo prekasno Bo...
Looking for today [Greek translation]
Είναι ολοκληρωμένο αλλά απαρχαιωμένο Όλα τα αύριο έχουν γίνει χθες Σε ζήτηση αλλά από δεύτερο χέρι Έχει ακουστεί πριν καν παίξεις Ενημερωμένος αλλά έφ...
Looking for today [Serbian translation]
Потпуно је, али застарело. Све што је сутра, постало је јуче. У захтеву је, али је половно, Чуло се пре него што си ти играо. Најсвежије је, али је из...
Lord of This World lyrics
You’re searching for your mind, don’t know where to start Can’t find the key to fit the lock on your heart You think you know but you are never quite ...
Lord of This World [Croatian translation]
Ti tražiš svoje mišljenje, ne znaš gdje bi počeo Ne možeš naći ključ koji pristaje u bravu tvoga srca Misliš da znaš, ali nikad nisi potpuno siguran T...
Lord of This World [Dutch translation]
Je bent op zoek naar je gemoed, maar je weet niet waar je moet beginnen / Je kunt de sleutel niet vinden dat past op hhet slot van je hart / Je denkt ...
Lord of This World [German translation]
Du suchst nach deinem Verstand, weißt nicht wo du anfangen sollst Kannst den Schlüssel nicht finden, der in das Schloss deines Herzens passt Du glaubs...
Lord of This World [Portuguese translation]
Você está procurando por sua mente, não sabe por onde começar Não consegue achar a chave para destrancar seu coração Você acha que sabe, mas nunca tem...
Lord of This World [Tongan translation]
Ke fekumi ki ho'o 'atamai kae hala ke 'ilo ke kamata 'i fe Hala ke kumi 'a e ki ke ne hao 'a e loka 'i ho'o loto Ke pehe te ke 'ilo ka 'ikai ke ke 'il...
Loser Gets It All lyrics
It's a loaded dice, that you throw this time If you turn the Ace, it'll turn out fine When you spin the wheel, and you get your call South of the line...
Lost Forever lyrics
All your life you're bin slipping and sliding Trying to find a way Sun won't shine but now it's your time to pay There's no turning back as you look T...
Master of Insanity lyrics
Look all around Can't you open your eyes Voices are calling Killing rain falling down from the sky Crying with nightmare tears Out on the street You'l...
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