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Black Sabbath lyrics
Keep It Warm lyrics
Sweet woman are you feeling right What was it that you did last night You made me crazy you made me fly I can't forget the hungry look in your eye Ooh...
Kill In The Spirit World lyrics
There's something wrong there's a chill in the air And the blood in my vein's running colder The eastern sky is beginning to silver And the words that...
Kill In The Spirit World [Portuguese translation]
There's something wrong there's a chill in the air And the blood in my vein's running colder The eastern sky is beginning to silver And the words that...
Kill In The Spirit World [Serbian translation]
There's something wrong there's a chill in the air And the blood in my vein's running colder The eastern sky is beginning to silver And the words that...
Killing yourself to live lyrics
Well people look and people stare Well I don't think that I even care You work your life away and what do they give? You're only killing yourself to l...
Killing yourself to live [Croatian translation]
Pa, ljudi gledaju i ljudi bulje Pa, mislim da me nije ni briga Radiš cijeli život i što ti daju? Samo se ubijaš da bi živio Ubijaš se da bi živio Ubij...
Killing yourself to live [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν, κάποιοι άνθρωποι κοιτούν κι άλλοι κοιτούν επίμονα Λοιπόν, νομίζω ότι ούτε καν που μ' ενδιαφέρει Σπαταλάς τη ζωή σου δουλεύοντας και τι σου δίν...
Killing yourself to live [Portuguese translation]
Bem, as pessoas olham e arregalam os olhos Bem, eu acho que eu nem me importo Você gasta a sua vida trabalhando e o que te entregam? Você só está se m...
Killing yourself to live [Serbian translation]
Људи гледају и људи посматрају, Али ја не мислим да ме то уопште дотиче. Ти због рада одбацујеш свој живот, и шта они дају? Само се убијаш да би живео...
Killing yourself to live [Turkish translation]
Pekala insanlar bakar ve gözlerini diker, Pekala umursadığımı sanmıyorum. Hayatınız boyunca çalışıyorsunuz, ve onlar ne veriyor? Sadece yaşamak için k...
Kiss Of Death lyrics
This is no ordinary soul, that you're destroying Not just another life that drifts along with the sands of time We tried to show you on your way, but ...
Lady Evil lyrics
There's a place just south of Witches' Valley Where they say the wind won't blow And they only speak in whispers of her name There's a lady they say w...
Lady Evil [Turkish translation]
Cadılar Vadisi’nin biraz güneyinde Rüzgâr esmez dedikleri bir yerde Sadece fısıltıyla konuşurlar ismini Bir kadın var derler Karanlığı kendi elleriyle...
Letters From Earth lyrics
And I'm in the middle Caught in the in-between I don't belong here So I'm writing to you It's wrong here Where I'm sending you some Letters from earth...
Live forever lyrics
Just before you die They say you see your life go flashing by Cold dark endless nights To burn in hell or bathe in heaven light Well I don't wanna liv...
Live forever [Greek translation]
Λίγο πριν πεθάνεις λένε ότι βλέπεις την ζωή σου να περνάει από μπροστά σου κρύες σκοτεινές ατέλειωτες νύχτες Για να καείς στην κόλαση ή να πλυθείς στο...
Live forever [Serbian translation]
Pre nego što umreš Kažu da vidiš kako ti život zatreperi Hladne tamne beskrajne noći Ili goriš u paklu ili se kupaš u svetlu raja Ne želim večno da ži...
Lonely Is The Word lyrics
It's a long way to nowhere And I'm leaving very soon On the way we pass so close To the back side of the moon Hey join the traveler if you got nowhere...
Lonely Is The Word [Turkish translation]
Hiçbir yere kadar yolumuz uzun Ve birazdan yola çıkıyorum Yolda çok yakınından geçiyoruz Ay’ın arka yüzünün Gidecek bir yerin yoksa Sen de şu seyyaha ...
Lonely Is The Word [Turkish translation]
Hiçbir Yere Giden Uzun Bir Yol, Ve Çok Yakında Yola Koyuluyorum... Yolda Çok Yakınından Geçiyoruz, Ay'ın Karanlık Yüzünün. Hey! Sende Katılsana Şu Gez...
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