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Black Sabbath lyrics
I Won't Cry For You [Croatian translation]
So you lie awake and think about tomorrow, And you try to justify the things you've done, But there's no one here, to hear your tears falling, When yo...
I Won't Cry For You [French translation]
So you lie awake and think about tomorrow, And you try to justify the things you've done, But there's no one here, to hear your tears falling, When yo...
I Won't Cry For You [Greek translation]
So you lie awake and think about tomorrow, And you try to justify the things you've done, But there's no one here, to hear your tears falling, When yo...
Immaculate Deception lyrics
In the daylight, comes darkness, on the verge of Night a fear is born Sweeter than the dream, the reality of you Immaculate, deception From the spirit...
In For The Kill lyrics
Thunder shattered the dawn Raging with fury, the king has come The power of terror will reign There is no mercy in pleading In for the kill, no quarte...
In Memory... lyrics
No one told me the way I should feel You left an aching heart Lost and lonely, the feeling goes on You were the one friend I had You gave me so much l...
Into The Void lyrics
Rocket's engines burning fuel so fast Up into the night sky they blast Through the universe the engines whine Could it be the end of man and time Back...
Into The Void [Albanian translation]
Motorat e raketës duke djegur karburant shumë shpejtë Lartë në qiellin e natës ata shpërthehen Përmes gjithësisë motorat rënkojnë A mund të jetë fundi...
Into The Void [Croatian translation]
Motori rakete troše gorivo tako brzo Ravno u noć nebo osvjetljavaju Kroz svemir motori zavijaju BI li to mogao biti kraj čovjeka i vremena Nazad na Ze...
Into The Void [Portuguese translation]
Motores de foguete queimando combustível tão rápido Subindo na noite, explodindo o céu Através do universo os motores gemem Seria o fim do homem e do ...
Into The Void [Russian translation]
Ракетные двигатели быстро сжигают топливо Они взлетают в ночное небо Во вселенной гудят двигатели Будет ли это конец человечества и времени? Вернувшис...
Into The Void [Turkish translation]
Roket motorları hızla benzin yakıyor Yükselip gece göğünü delip geçiyorlar Motorlar evren boyunca inliyor Gelmiş olabilir mi sonu; insanlığın ve zaman...
Iron Man lyrics
Has he lost his mind Can he see or is he blind Can he walk at all Or if he moves will he fall Is he alive or dead Has he thoughts within his head We’l...
Iron Man [Arabic translation]
هل فقد عقله؟ هل يستطيع أن يرى أم أنه أعمى؟ هل يستطيع المشي أم إذا مشي سيقع؟ هل هو على قيد الحياة أم ميت؟ هل لديه أفكار في عقله؟ سنمر به فقط لماذا يجب ...
Iron Man [Bulgarian translation]
Загубил ли е своя ум, Може ли да вижда или е незрящ, Може ли да върви въобще, Или ако помръдне - ще припадне? Живее ли или е умрял, Има ли мисли в нег...
Iron Man [Croatian translation]
Je li sišao s uma Može li vidjeti ili je slijep Može li uopće hodati Kreće li se, hoće li pasti Je li živ ili mrtav Ima li misli u svojoj glavi Samo ć...
Iron Man [Dutch translation]
Heeft hij zijn verstand verloren Kan hij zien of is hij blind Kan hij eigenlijk wel lopen Of valt hij anders om Leeft hij of is hij dood Zijn er gedac...
Iron Man [Finnish translation]
Onko hän menettänyt järkensä Näkeekö hän vai onko hän sokea Pystyykö hän kävelemään lainkaan Vai kaatuuko hän jos hän liikkuu Onko hän elossa vai kuol...
Iron Man [French translation]
A-t-il perdu la tête? Peut-il voir, ou bien est-il aveugle? Peut-il même marcher, Ou bien tombera-t-il s'il bouge? Est-il vivant, ou bien mort? Y a-t-...
Iron Man [German translation]
Hat er den Verstand verloren? Kann er sehen, oder ist er blind? Kann er überhaupt laufen, Oder stürzt er, wenn er sich bewegt? Lebt er noch, oder ist ...
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