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Black Sabbath lyrics
Heaven and Hell [Romanian translation]
Cântă-mi un cântec , tu ești un cântăreț Fă-mi un rău , tu ești un aducător de rău Diavolul nu este niciodată un formator Puținul pe care îl dăruiești...
Heaven and Hell [Serbian translation]
Otpevaj pesmu, ti si pevač. ogreši se o mene, ti si donosilac zla. Djavo nikada ne stvara, što manje dajes, više ćes uzeti. I tako dalje, i dalje i da...
Heaven and Hell [Spanish translation]
Cántame una canción, ya que eres un cantante, hazme una injusticia, eres un portador del mal el Diablo nunca es un creador, entre menos das, más eres ...
Heaven and Hell [Turkish translation]
Bana şarkı söylersen şarkıcısın Bana bir yanlış yaparsan kötülüğün anasısın Şeytan asla yaratıcı olamaz Biraz daha az verdin mi, alanlardan sayılırsın...
Heaven and Hell [Turkish translation]
Bana bir şarkı söyle, şarkıcısın sen Bana bir yanlış yap, sen kötülük getirensin Şeytan asla bir yaratan değildir Ne kadar az verirsen, (o kadar) alıc...
Heaven In Black lyrics
Rising with the sun, the work has been done But the people are starting to stare Called from the afar to court of the Czar Could it be something is wr...
Heaven In Black [Portuguese translation]
Rising with the sun, the work has been done But the people are starting to stare Called from the afar to court of the Czar Could it be something is wr...
Heaven In Black [Russian translation]
Rising with the sun, the work has been done But the people are starting to stare Called from the afar to court of the Czar Could it be something is wr...
Hole In The Sky lyrics
I'm looking through a hole in the sky I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie I'm getting closer to the end of the line I'm living easy where the...
Hole In The Sky [French translation]
Je regarde à travers un trou dans le ciel Je ne vois nulle part à travers les yeux du mensonge Je me rapproche de la fin de la ligne Je vis tranquilem...
Hole In The Sky [Greek translation]
Ψάχνω μια τρύπα στον ουρανό Δε βλέπω πουθενά μέσα από τα μάτια ενός ψέματος Πλησιάζω στο τέλος της γραμμής Ζω εύκολα εκεί όπου ο ήλιος δεν λάμπει Ζω σ...
Hole In The Sky [Russian translation]
Я смотрю сквозь дыру в небе, И ничего не вижу глазами лжи. Я приближаюсь к концу линии, Живу я легко там, где не светит солнце. Я живу в комнате без о...
Hot Line lyrics
Take me to the river baby drink my wine When I'm going down won't you throw me a line Lead me to religion take me up them stairs When I take a tumble ...
I lyrics
I am anger Under pressure Locked in cages, a prisoner The first to escape I am wicked I am legion Strength in numbers, a lie The number is one I, I, I...
I [German translation]
Ich bedeute Ärger Steh unter Druck Wurde in Käfigen weggesperrt, ein Gefangener Der Erste, der entkommen wird Ich bin bösartig Mein Name ist Legion St...
I [Greek translation]
Είμαι θυμός Υπό πίεση Κλειδωμένος σε κλουβιά, ένας φυλακισμένος Κι ο πρώτος που θα δραπετεύσει Είμαι δαιμόνιος Είμαι λεγεώνα Η δύναμη σε αριθμούς, (εί...
I [Portuguese translation]
Eu sou a fúria Sob pressão Trancado em gaiolas, um prisioneiro O primeiro a escapar Sou perverso Meu nome é legião Em vantagem numérica, uma mentira O...
I [Russian translation]
Я гнев По давлением В клетках - заключенный Первый побег Я злой Я легион Численное превосходство - вранье Одного меня достаточно Я, я, я Все, что я ви...
I Witness lyrics
Across the desert of the burning dark, a Darkness which illuminates you There's a place you've always wanted to be Whose pleasures always did escape y...
I Won't Cry For You lyrics
So you lie awake and think about tomorrow, And you try to justify the things you've done, But there's no one here, to hear your tears falling, When yo...
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