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Black Sabbath lyrics
Dying for Love lyrics
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Dying for Love [Greek translation]
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Dying for Love [Italian translation]
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Dying for Love [Portuguese translation]
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Dying for Love [Serbian translation]
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Dying for Love [Turkish translation]
Can you hear, the people sing their song, To tunes of glory, they move as one. Refugees of liberation marching on, Sing your song, rock the nation, wr...
Early One Morning Blues lyrics
It was early one morning, I was, on my way to school It was early one morning, I was, on my way to school I met a magic woman, and she broke my teache...
Electric Funeral lyrics
Reflex in the sky Warn you you’re gonna die Storm coming, you better hide From the atomic tide Flashes in the sky Turns houses into sties Turns people...
Electric Funeral [Croatian translation]
Odbljesak na nebu Upozorava te da ćeš umrijeti Oluja dolazi, bolje se skrij Od atomske plime Bljeskovi na nebu Pretvara kuće u štale Pretvara ljude u ...
Electric Funeral [French translation]
Un réflexe dans le ciel T'avertis que tu vas mourir La tempête arrive, tu ferais mieux de t'abriter De la vague atomique Il clignote dans le ciel Tran...
Electric Funeral [German translation]
Reflektionen am Himmel Warnen dich, dass du sterben wirst Ein Sturm kommt auf, verstecke dich besser Vor der Atomflut Blitze am Himmel Verwandeln Häus...
Electric Funeral [Greek translation]
Αντανάκλαση στον ουρανό Σε προειδοποιώ θα πεθάνεις Έρχεται καταιγίδα, καλύτερα να κρυφτείς Από την ατομική παλίρροια Λάμψεις στον ουρανό (που) Μετατρέ...
Electric Funeral [Hungarian translation]
Visszfény az égen. Jelzi, hogy bevégzed. Vihar jön - hát rejtőzz el - az atomi felhővel. Villog az égbolt. Itt nem rég egy ház volt. Az ember porrá om...
Electric Funeral [Portuguese translation]
Reflexo no céu Te avisa que você vai morrer Uma tempestade chegando, melhor se esconder Da maré atômica Clarões no céu Transformam casas em chiqueiros...
Electric Funeral [Russian translation]
Отсвет в небе Предупреждает вас вы умрёте Приближается буря, вам лучше скрыться От атомного прилива Вспышки в небе Превращают дома в свинарники Превра...
Electric Funeral [Russian translation]
Отблеск в небесах - Скорой смерти верный знак. Лучше прячься, пока жив - Близок атомный прилив. Вспышки в небесах Превращают здания в прах, Плавят пло...
Electric Funeral [Serbian translation]
Приказ на небу Те упозорава да ћеш умрети. Олуја наилази, боље би било да се сакријеш Од атомског таласа! Бљесци на небу Претварају куће у стаје, Прет...
Electric Funeral [Turkish translation]
Gökteki yansımalar Öleceğin için seni uyarıyor Fırtına geliyor, saklansan iyi edersin Atomic gelgitlerden Gökteki parlamalar Evleri ahıra çeviriyor İn...
Electric Funeral [Turkish translation]
Gökyüzündeki refleks Öleceksin diye uyarıyor Fırtına geliyor, saklansan iyi Atomik gelgitten Gökyüzünde parlamalar Evleri pisletiyor İnsanları çamurlu...
Electric Funeral [Ukrainian translation]
Відображення у небі Попереджає, що ти скоро помреш Шторм наближається, краще ховайся Від атомного приливу Блискавки у небі Перетворюють будинки на куп...
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