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Karliene lyrics
Walk with the Devil lyrics
I’ve never claimed to be a good boy That lad is long dead Cause I got stuck in thewars, Grace Ones with bullets And ones in my head But you made it so...
Walk with the Devil [French translation]
Je n'ai jamais prétendu être un bon garçon Ce gars est mort depuis longtemps Parce que je suis pris entre les guerres, Grace Celles avec des balles Et...
Walk with the Devil [German translation]
Ich habe nie behauptet, ein guter Junge zu sein, Dieser Junge ist schon lange tot; Denn ich war verstrickt in die Kriege, Grace, So manche Kugel flog,...
Walk with the Devil [Greek translation]
Ποτέ δεν έχω ισχυριστεί ότι είμαι καλό αγόρι Αυτό το παιδί είναι νεκρό εδώ και πολύ καιρό Γιατί κόλλησα στους πολέμους, Grace Σε αυτούς με σφαίρες Και...
Walk with the Devil [Spanish translation]
Nunca dije ser un buen chico Ese muchacho ha muerto hace ya mucho Porque me quedé atrapado en las guerras, Grace Unas con balas, Y otras en mi cabeza....
Walk with the Devil [Turkish translation]
Ben iyi bir çocuk olmak için asla yeterince temiz olmadım. O delikanlı uzun zaman önce öldü. Çünkü savaşların içinde sıkışıp kaldım, Zerafetle Mermi i...
Walking in the air lyrics
We're walking in the air We're floating in the moonlit sky The people far below are sleeping as we fly I'm holding very tight I'm riding in the midnig...
Walking in the air [Croatian translation]
Hodamo po zraku Lebdimo na nebu obasjanom mjesečinom Ljudi daleko ispod spavaju dok mi letimo Držim se jako čvrsto Jašem u ponoćnom plavetnilu Nalazim...
Walking in the air [German translation]
Wir wandeln durch die Lüfte Wir schweben im mondhellen Himmel Die Leute tief unten schlafen, während wir fliegen Ich halte mich ganz fest Ich reite im...
Walking in the air [Romanian translation]
Întrepătrundem cele înalturi .. Plutim sub al cerului clar de lună Cei pamanteni din depărtari, dorm 'timp ce noi plutim .. Mă agăț pasional, Cutreier...
Walking in the air [Russian translation]
Мы в воздухе парим. Залил все небо лунный свет, а люди там внизу, пока летим мы, спят. Сильней ко мне прижмись, несусь в полуночную мглу. Выходит, я м...
Wayfaring Stranger lyrics
I am a poor wayfaring stranger Traveling through this world alone There is no sickness, toil nor danger In that fair land to which I go I'm going home...
Wayfaring Stranger [Croatian translation]
Ja sam siromašni putujući stranac Idem ovim svijetom sama Nema bolesti, teškog rada niti opasnosti U toj pravednoj zemlji prema kojoj idem Idem kući D...
Wayfaring Stranger [French translation]
Je suis un pauvre étranger venant de loin Qui voyage seul à travers ce monde Il n'y a ni maladie, ni dur travail ou danger Dans ce pays juste vers leq...
Wayfaring Stranger [German translation]
Ich bin eine arme Fremde auf Wanderschaft Allein auf Reisen durch diese Welt Es gibt keine Krankheit, Mühe oder Gefahr In diesem schönen Land, wohin i...
Wayfaring Stranger [German translation]
Ich bin ein armer reisender Unbekannter Alleine reisend durch diese Welt Dort ist keine Krankheit, Mühe oder Gefahr In diesem fairen Land zu welchem i...
Wayfaring Stranger [Italian translation]
Sono un povero viandante Che percorre da solo le strade del mondo Non v'è malattia, fatica o pericolo Nella fertile alla quale sono diretto Sto tornan...
Wayfaring Stranger [Romanian translation]
Sunt un biet călător necunoscut 1 Călătorind prin astă lume singuratec Acolo-i fără de boli, oboseală ori pericol În acel Demn Tărâm către care mă înd...
Wayfaring Stranger [Spanish translation]
Soy un extraño y pobre caminante Viajando solo a través del mundo; No hay enfermedad, fatiga o peligro En esa hermosa tierra a la cual voy. Me voy a c...
We're The Devils lyrics
He was born under Gemini Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde Residing in his heart Fighting to escape the dark We look for horns and cloven hooves But the Devil...
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