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Aviators lyrics
Our Little Horror Story lyrics
A voice calls A cry in the dark Telling me to crawl to the light But I won't The show has just begun I'm giving one last encore tonight Five nights le...
Our Little Horror Story [Italian translation]
Una voce chiama Un grido nel buio Mi diceva di strisciare verso la luce Ma non lo farò Lo spettacolo è appena iniziato Sto dando un ultimo bis stasera...
Our Little Horror Story [Spanish translation]
Llamada de una voz Un grito en la oscuridad Diciéndome que me arrastre a la luz Pero no lo hago El espectáculo solo ha comenzado Les daré un último nú...
Our Little Horror Story [Turkish translation]
Bir ses çağırıyor Karanlığın içinden bir ağlama Bana yavaşça ışığa yürümemi söylüyor Ama ben istemiyorum Şov daha yeni başladı Son istek parçamı bu ge...
Paralyzed lyrics
So I know what you've been thinking That you're the only thing that's lurking in the night But you aren't safe within the shadows 'Cause tonight begin...
Paralyzed [Russian translation]
Я знаю, о чём ты думал Что ты один, кто таится в ночи Но тьма не твоя лишь обитель Ибо сегодня начинается охота, и ты на виду Залитые лунным светом гл...
Red Water Dreams lyrics
Take me to the water Where the river meets the sea Let the memory of rising tide Come washing over me I saw fire consume the trusting With the victims...
Second Chances lyrics
I've made some mistakes I know I went wrong Wandering from place to place With nowhere I belong I may have lied to you all But I know that, and I'm so...
Second Chances [French translation]
J'ai fait quelques erreurs Je sais que j'ai mal tournée Errer d'endroit en endroit Nul part où être à ma place Je vous ai peut-être mentis à tous Mais...
Signed on for a Sequel lyrics
I begged The world to heal its scars again As I cried into oblivion And the victims passed me by I said The curse has kept us spiraling While the desp...
Signed on for a Sequel [Russian translation]
Я снова молил Мир исцелить свои раны И я кричал в забвение А жертвы проходили мимо Я сказал Из-за проклятия мы движемся по спирали Пока отчаянные прод...
Spirit Of Chaos lyrics
Nothing will prepare you for The chaos I will bring upon you You can try to run and hide But you can't escape the things that I'll do Don't even try t...
Spirit Of Chaos [French translation]
Rien ne te préparera pour Le Chaos que je vais apporter sur toi Tu peux essayer de courir et te cacher Mais te ne pourrez pas échapper les choses que ...
Spirit Of Chaos [German translation]
Nichts wird dich Auf das Chaos vorbereiten, in das ich dich stürzen werde Du kannst versuchen mir zu entkommen Aber vor meinen Taten wird es kein Entr...
The Adventure lyrics
Lost inside The thought of a journey I can't hide From the danger around me But I know That it will be alright I'm not alone My friends are by my side...
The Adventure [French translation]
Perdu dans La pensée d'un voyage Je ne peux me cacher Du danger autour de moi Mais je sais Que tout ira bien Je ne suis pas seul Mes amis sont à mes c...
The Bells lyrics
High in the crimson towers Hate between a mother's eyes Certain of a costly price To pay when fire survives When all she loved has left the keep The r...
The Bells [Bulgarian translation]
Високо във красните кули Омраза във майчините очи Цена тежка има мира Когато огънят живее Напуснаха я всички Дъждовете тихо плачат И кръвта е студена ...
The Bells [Japanese translation]
深紅色の高き塔 憎しみに満ちた母の目 この高き罪は贖われる 炎が生き残った時に 彼女が愛したすべてが砦を去った時に そして血が冷えた時 すべて洗い流される あの女はそう言った あの女はそう言ったのだ キャスタミアの城主が 何一つ残っていない時 彼女の世が喪に服する時 高慢は畏れの前にあると 門は大き...
Tonight lyrics
Just don't care Put your hooves in the air Girl, let your mane down Gonna rock this whole town tonight Let it all go tonight Won't stop partying on We...
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