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Aviators lyrics
If You Only Knew lyrics
A few days gone away We never thought you'd stay I thought that you'd come back to us all Somehow the times we spent together Never mattered after all...
If You Only Knew [French translation]
Quelques jours ont passés Nous n'avions jamais pensés que tu resterais Je pensais que tu reviendrais à nous tous D'une manière le temps que nous avons...
Jaws lyrics
I'm not an ordinary creature Made for villainy I will wait, but you won't see me I love joy and fun I feed on your fear I'll wait until everyone gets ...
Jaws [Russian translation]
Не простое я создание Создан для злодеянья Ждать буду я , веть не увидишь ты меня Люблю радость и веселье Питаюсь вашим страхом Я буду ждать , пока вс...
Just Like You lyrics
Watching you Flying higher Gone in a flash Like a multi-colored fire I only wish I could fly beside you Someday I'll be up there Just like you Dashing...
Just Like You [French translation]
Te regarder Voler plus haut Partit en un flash Comme un feu multi-colore Je souhaite seulement pouvoir voler à tes cotées Un jour Je serai là-haut Jus...
Mechanical Instinct lyrics
[Verse 1] One step at a time I'm going outta my mind I'm being hunted by something primal They're just simple machines Yet tainted souls they seem For...
Mechanical Instinct [German translation]
[1. Strophe] Schritt um Schritt Werde ich verrückt Irgendetwas Primitives macht Jagd auf mich Sie sind einfache nur Maschinen Dennoch scheinen sie ver...
Monumental lyrics
Awake inside the nexus of the earth A place of comfort, for spirits' birth Your essence held, in my unbroken hands A shadow lost to foiled plans In th...
Monumental [Russian translation]
Бодрствующий в нексусе1 земли Удобное место для рождения духов Твоя сущность лежит в моих несломленных руках Лишь тень, проигранная сорванным планам В...
Aviators - Never Back Down
Don't look back It's too late To turn back now Push through Daring do You're gonna make it out Alive This time You won't let the danger Overcome you Y...
Never Back Down [French translation]
Ne regarde pas en arrière C'est trop tard Pour rebrousser chemin maintenant Pousser au travers Daring do Tu vas le faire En vie Cette fois Tu ne laiss...
Never Meant To Be lyrics
Things get complicated You've been frustrated But so have I I thought you'd make it But you've been jaded Time after time I know things got soft back ...
Never Meant To Be [French translation]
Les choses sont devenus compliqués Tu as été frustrée Mais moi aussi Je pensais que tu le ferai Mais tu as été lasser A maintes reprises Je sais que l...
No More Heroes lyrics
You're a stranger I'm a native In the wastes we're born afraid We're born afraid Hunt the wicked Chase disaster In the world our sin has made I'm not ...
No More Heroes [Hungarian translation]
Te idegen vagy Én itt születtem A hulladékok között félve születünk Félve születünk A gonoszra vadászunk A katasztrófát üldözzük A világban, ami bűnün...
No One Will Save You lyrics
I hear music in the air tonight One familiar fading tune Something pulls at my infected soul I think I remember you I burned your world away Devoured ...
No One Will Save You [Hungarian translation]
Zenét hallok a levegőben ma este. Egy ismerős, halványuló dallamot. Valami nyomja megfertőzött lelkem, Azt hiszem, emlékszem rád. Felégettem a világod...
One Last Letter lyrics
Dear princess, I should have seen the signs Chaos has risen again after all this time Somehow I have to escape from This nightmare of a world ours has...
One Last Letter [French translation]
Chère princesse, j'aurai dû avoir vu les signes Le Chaos s'est élevé une nouvelle fois après tout de temps D'une manière ou d'une autre je dois m'enfu...
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