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Marina (United Kingdom) lyrics
Absent Love [Romanian translation]
You say there'll be time for us But your promises turn to dust When the work is done I'll be your number one But time, time, time, time Time waits for...
Absent Love [Spanish translation]
You say there'll be time for us But your promises turn to dust When the work is done I'll be your number one But time, time, time, time Time waits for...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land lyrics
Our ancestors had to fight to survive Just so we could have a chance of a life We're not here so we can blow it all We could bear witness to the rise ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Bosnian translation]
Naši preci morali su se boriti da prežive Samo da bismo mi imali šansu za život Nismo ovdje da bismo to sve raznijeli Mogli bismo svjedočiti usponu i ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Bulgarian translation]
Нашите предци трябваха да се борят, за да оцелеят Само за да имаме ние шанс за живот Не сме тук, за да пропилеем всичко Можем да бъдем свидетели на въ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Dutch translation]
[Couplet 1] Onze voorvaders moesten vechten om te overleven Zodat wij een kans kregen om te leven We zijn niet hier zodat we alles kunnen verpesten We...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Finnish translation]
Meidän esivanhempien piti taistella selviytymään Vain jotta meillä olisi elämään mahdollisuus Emme ole täällä jotta me voimme sen hävittää Me voisimme...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Nos ancêtres ont dû se battre pour survivre Juste pour que nous ayons une chance d'avoir une vie Nous ne sommes pas là pour tout foutre en...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [German translation]
Unsere Vorfahren mussten kämpfen, um zu überleben Nur damit wir eine Chance auf ein Leben haben könnten Wir sind nicht hier, um zu scheitern Wir könnt...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Greek translation]
Οι πρόγονοί μας έπρεπε να κάνουν αγώνες επιβίωσης ωστέ εμείς να έχουμε μια ευκαιρία στη ζωή Δεν βρεθήκαμε εδώ για να τα διαλύσουμε όλα, θα μπορούσαμε ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Hungarian translation]
Elődeinknek meg kellett harcolni a túlélésért, hogy nekünk legyen esélyünk az életre. Nem vagyunk itt, szóval elpazarolhatunk mindent. Szemtanúi lehet...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Italian translation]
[Verso 1] I nostri antenati hanno dovuto combattere per sopravvivere Solo così avremmo potuto avere una possibilità di vita Non siamo qui quindi possi...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Korean translation]
우리 조상들은 살기 위해 싸워야 했어 그저 우리가 삶의 기회를 가질 수 있게 우린 뭐든 날려버릴 수 있어서 여기 있는 게 아니야 얼마든지 무언가의 시작과 멸망을 볼 수 있지 현대의 땅에서 꾸는 고대의 꿈 난 최대한 빨리 돌아가려 해 내 형태가 존재하기 전으로 내가 태어...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Portuguese translation]
[Estrofe 1] Os nossos progenitores tiveram de lutar para sobreviver Só para que pudéssemos ter uma chance de uma vida Não estamos aqui para estragar t...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Romanian translation]
Strămoșii noștri au trebuit să lupte pentru a supraviețui Doar pentru a putea avea noi o șansă la viață Nu suntem aici pentru a putea arunca totul în ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Romanian translation]
[Versul 1] Strămoșii noștri au trebuit să lupte pentru a supraviețui Doar așa am fi putut avea șansa unei vieți Nu suntem aici deci putem arunca totul...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Нашим предкам приходилось биться за жизнь Чтобы шанс на жизнь и нам подарить Мы здесь не затем, чтоб всё сломать Мы могли взлёт с падением ...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Serbian translation]
Nasi preci su morali da se bore da bi preziveli Samo da bi mi imali priliku za zivot Mi nismo ovde da bi sve to bacili u vodu Mi mozemo biti svedoci u...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Spanish translation]
Nuestros ancestros tuvieron que pelear para sobrevivir, tan solo para que tuvieran una oportunidad en la vida, no estamos aquí para arruinarlo todo, p...
Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land [Turkish translation]
Atalarımızın savaşması gerekti Sadece yaşamak için bizim bir şansımız olsun diye Biz burada değiliz bu yüzden hepsini dağıtabiliriz 1 Yükselişe ve düş...
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