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James Arthur lyrics
Skeletons lyrics
There's hidden things That you don't see They call 'em skeletons But don't be scared of them 'Cause you're still you And I'm still me It's all irrelev...
Smoke Clouds lyrics
Look no farther than the fathers who go farther than they should To the point where we're surrounded by the scars behind their hoods And who is gonna ...
Smoke Clouds [Croatian translation]
Ne gledaj dalje od otaca koji idu dalje nego bi trebali Do točke gdje smo okruženi ožljcima iza Njihovih kapuljača I tko će njih naučiti razlikovati k...
Smoke Clouds [Serbian translation]
Ne gledaj dalje od očeva koji idu dalje nego što bi trebalo Do tačke gde smo okruženi ožiljcima iza njihovih kapuljača I ko će ih naučiti da razlikuju...
Sober lyrics
When I look at you It's like I've been baptised It's so spiritual Like I've been sanctified Oh I'm drunk in love And you're Beyoncé Let's get it on Al...
SOS lyrics
Champagne showered down on my pain Lights fade, running round in blind faith Las Vegas surrounded by the last fakers Alligators, they chew me up and s...
SOS [Thai translation]
ความสุขปนความยินดีที่คุณราดลงบนความเจ็บปวดของฉัน แสงไฟเริ่มริบหรี่ลงในความหวังว่าสิ่งที่ดีจะเกิดขึ้นแม้มีโอกาสเพียงน้อยนิด เมือง Las Vegas ที่ล้อมรอบไ...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back lyrics
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [Bulgarian translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [French translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [German translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [Greek translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [Romanian translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [Spanish translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Stop Asking Me To Come Back [Swedish translation]
[Verse 1] So you told me to go You said don’t turn around There was no going back, yeah you said it You were all out of love Now you changing your min...
Suicide lyrics
One, two, ready Here we go It ain't the gun It's the man behind the trigger Gets blood on his fingers And runs It ain't the lie It's the way that the ...
Suicide [Dutch translation]
Een, twee, klaar Daar gaat ie 't Is niet het geweer Maar de man achter de trekker Hij krijgt bebloede vingers En rent Het is niet de leugen Maar de ma...
Suicide [Dutch translation]
Een, twee, klaar Hier gaan we Het is niet het geweer Het is de man achter de trekker Heeft bloed aan zijn vingers En rent Het is geen leugen Het is ee...
Suicide [French translation]
Un, deux, vous êtes prêts Allons-y C'est pas le flingue C'est l'homme derrière la gâchette Il reçoit du sang sur ses doigts Et il court C'est pas le m...
Suicide [Italian translation]
Uno, due, pronti Iniziamo Non è la pistola È l'uomo dietro al grilletto Che si sporca le mani di sangue E scappa Non sono le bugie È il modo in cui la...
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