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Eric Bogle lyrics
My Youngest Son Came Home Today lyrics
1 My youngest son came home today, his friends marched with him all the way, the flutes and drums beat out the time as in his box of polished pine - l...
My Youngest Son Came Home Today [French translation]
Aujourd'hui, mon fils est rentré chez lui. Tous ses amis l'accompagnaient, au son des flûtes et des tambours, alors que dans sa boîte de pin, comme un...
My Youngest Son Came Home Today [German translation]
. Mein jüngster Sohn kam heute nach Hause. Seine Freunde marschierten mit ihm den ganzen Weg, Die Flöten und Trommeln schlugen den Takt, Als in seiner...
My Youngest Son Came Home Today [Italian translation]
1 Il mio figlio minore è tornato a casa oggi, i suoi amici hanno marciato con lui per tutto il tragitto, i flauti e i tamburi hanno battuto il tempo m...
My Youngest Son Came Home Today [Polish translation]
Mój najmłodszy syn wrócił dziś do domu. Przyjaciele towarzyszyli mu przez całą drogę, a flety i bębny odmierzały czas, gdy w skrzyni z polerowanej sos...
My Youngest Son Came Home Today [Romanian translation]
Astazi, fiul meu s-a intors acassa la el Toti prietenii sai l-au insotit, In sunetul fluierelor si a tobelor, Atunci ca, in cutia sa de pin, Ca o carn...
No Gods at All lyrics
In my youth, it was so easy to stand up and say smugly who was sane and who was crazy, who was wrong and who was right, who was numbered with the ange...
No Gods at All [French translation]
In my youth, it was so easy to stand up and say smugly who was sane and who was crazy, who was wrong and who was right, who was numbered with the ange...
No Gods at All [Italian translation]
In my youth, it was so easy to stand up and say smugly who was sane and who was crazy, who was wrong and who was right, who was numbered with the ange...
No Gods at All [Polish translation]
In my youth, it was so easy to stand up and say smugly who was sane and who was crazy, who was wrong and who was right, who was numbered with the ange...
No Man's Land lyrics
Well, how’d you doin’, Private William McBride? Do you mind if I sit here down by your graveside and I’ll rest for a while in the warm summer sun? I’v...
No Man's Land [Dutch dialects translation]
Hoe gaat het, soldaat William McBride? Mag ik even bij je graf zitten? Ik wil een beetje rusten in de warme zomerzon Ik heb de hele dag gestapt en ik ...
No Man's Land [Finnish translation]
Mitä kuuluu, sotamies William McBride? Sopiiko, että istun tässä hautasi äärellä ja lepään hetken kesän lämpimässä auringossa? Olen aivan uuvuksissa t...
No Man's Land [French translation]
Alors, comment ça va, soldat William McBride ? Ça t'ennuie si je m'assois um moment près de ta tombe ? Je vais me reposer un peu. C'est l'été, il fait...
No Man's Land [French translation]
Eh bien, comment vas-tu, soldat William McBride ? Est-ce que ça te gêne si je m'assieds à côté de ta tombe ? Je vais me reposer un moment sous le sole...
No Man's Land [German translation]
Na, wie geht es dir, Gefreiter William McBride? Stört es dich, wenn ich mich hier an dein Grab setze? Ich werde hier ein Weile in der warmen Sommerson...
No Man's Land [German translation]
Weit in der Champagne im Mittsommergrün, Dort wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blüh'n, Da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht, Im Wind, der s...
No Man's Land [Italian translation]
Beh, come va, soldato semplice William McBbride? Ti dispiace se mi siedo qui vicino alla tua tomba e mi riposo un po’ al sole caldo dell’estate? Ho ca...
No Man's Land [Ladin [Rhaeto-Romance] translation]
Co che stas, schuldà simpel William McBride? Ta dà fastidi sche ma ses in pau tranter las fossas e pauss in pau en il chaud sulegl da stad? Hai marsch...
No Man's Land [Polish translation]
Jak się masz, szeregowy Williamie McBride? Nie przeszkadza ci, jeśli usiądę tu, przy twym grobie? Odpocznę przez chwilę w ciepłym letnim słońcu; Boże!...
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