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Nickelback lyrics
Someday [Persian translation]
چه شد که به یک باره این طوری شد؟ چرا نمی توانیم ببینیم نشانه هایی که از قلم انداختیم شان و سعی مان را بکینم و ورق را برگردانیم؟ آرزو می کردم که مشتت ر...
Someday [Portuguese translation]
Como diabos nós acabamos assim? Por que não fomos capazes De ver os sinais que perdemos? E tentar virar o jogo? Eu gostaria que vc não apertasse seus ...
Someday [Romanian translation]
Cum naiba am ajuns așa? De ce nu am fost în stare Să vedem semnele pe care le-am ratat Și să încercăm să schimbăm locurile? Aș vreasa nu mai fii încor...
Someday [Russian translation]
Как же черт возьми так получилось, Что мы не смогли заметить, Что что-то не так, И попытаться все наладить? Я бы хотел, чтобы ты разжала кулаки И расп...
Someday [Serbian translation]
Kako smo dođavola završili ovako? Zašto nismo bili sposobni Da vidimo znake koje smop propustili I probamo i preokrenemo situaciju? Želim da otvoriš s...
Someday [Spanish translation]
Como demonios podriamos acabar asi? Porque no estabamos disponible para ver las señales que perdimos y tratar y dar vuelta las mesas? Desearia que pud...
Someday [Turkish translation]
Nasıl biz böyle sarıp sarmalandık Neden uygun değildik, Kaçırdığımız işaretleri görmeye Ve olayı tam tersine çevirmeye?* Diliyorum, yumruklarını açaca...
Something in Your Mouth lyrics
Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body They say it's over budget but you'd pay her just to touch it come on Needs to hit the big screen a...
Song on fire lyrics
The first words that come out And I can see this song will be about you I can't believe that I can breathe without you But all I need to do is carry o...
Song on fire [Dutch translation]
Aan de eerste woorden die eruit komen Kan ik zien dat dit lied over jou zal gaan Ik kan niet geloven dat ik kan ademen zonder jou Maar alles wat ik mo...
Song on fire [German translation]
Während die ersten Worte rauskommen, Sehe ich schon, dass dieses Lied von dir handeln wird Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich ohne dich atmen kann Aber ...
Song on fire [Greek translation]
Από τις πρώτες λέξεις που θα ερμηνεύσω, διαπιστώνω ότι αυτό το τραγούδι θα αναφερθεί σε εσένα. Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι ζω και βασιλεύω χωρίς εσένα, α...
Song on fire [Italian translation]
Le prime parole che vengono fuori E posso vedere che questa canzone sarà su di te . Non posso credere che posso respirare senza di te, ma tutto quello...
Song on fire [Spanish translation]
Las primeras palabras que salen Y puedo ver que esta canción es acerca de ti No puedo creer que logre respirar sin ti Pero todo lo que necesito es con...
Song on fire [Turkish translation]
İlk kelimeler geliyor Tüm görebildiğim bu şarkının senin hakkında olacağı Sensiz nefes alabildiğime inanamıyorum Ama tek yapmam gereken devam etmek Ya...
The Betrayal [Act III] lyrics
Table has been set Serving up the worst regret Waiting for the chance Serpents love the circumstance Speaking to the sky Sleight of hand and cheap dis...
The Betrayal [Act III] [Italian translation]
Il tavolo è stato preparato Servendo il peggior rimpianto Aspettando per la chance I serpenti amano la circostanza Parlando al cielo Inganno e un trav...
The Hammer's Coming Down lyrics
Where will you be when the sky comes down? And what would you do if the strength was found? Stand right beside me when the ground starts shaking The o...
This Afternoon lyrics
Oh, looking like another Bob Marley day, Hitting from the bong like a diesel train, And now we're hanging out this afternoon. We got weeds in the back...
This Afternoon [Czech translation]
Oh, vypadá to na další den Boba Marleyho, Kouříme z vodní dýmky jako dieselový vlak, A dnešní odpoledne se flákáme. Za domem máme trávu, je čtyři stop...
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