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Nickelback lyrics
Shakin' Hands lyrics
She had her eyes on the prize as the girl next door You grow up quick when you grow up poor It's the only way to LA that she knows The Hollywood pose:...
Shakin' Hands [French translation]
Elle avait les yeux sur la récompense lorsqu'elle n'était que la fille d'à côté Tu vieillis vite lorsque tu es née pauvre C'est la seule façon de se r...
She Keeps Me Up lyrics
She's got me nervous Talkin' a hundred miles an hour She's more than worth it I swear she smells just like a flower I'd fall to pieces if I went anywh...
She Keeps Me Up [French translation]
Elle me rend nerveux, Parlant à cent miles à l'heure Elle en vaut plus que la peine Je le jure, elle a le parfum d'une fleur Je m'effondrerais si j'al...
She Keeps Me Up [Turkish translation]
Beni sinirlendiriyor Saatte yüz mil hızla konuşuyor O bunlardan daha değerli Yemin ederim o çiçek gibi kokuyor O olmadan gidersem paramparça olurum Se...
Should've Listened lyrics
There's clothes all over the floor I don't remember them being here before Smell of perfume isn't here, why's lipstick on the mirror? And still I don'...
Should've Listened [French translation]
Il y a des vêtements éparpillés à travers la pièce, Je ne me rappelle pas les avoir déjà vus auparavant L'odeur du parfum n'y est plus, pourquoi du ro...
Should've Listened [Hungarian translation]
Ruhák vannak szanaszét a padlón Nem emlékszem, hogy itt lettek volna előtte A parfüm illat nincs többé, miért van rúzs a tükrön? És még mindig nem ért...
Should've Listened [Slovak translation]
Oblečenie je pohádzané po zemi Nepamätám si, že by tu predtým boli Nie je tu vôňa parfému, prečo je rúž na zrkadle? A stále nechápem Žiadne obrázky ne...
Side of a Bullet lyrics
Uncle Sam taught him to shoot Maybe a little too well Finger on the trigger, loaded bullet He hit the stage so full of rage And let the whole world kn...
Silent Majority lyrics
How could this affect my life? How could I affect the outcome? So why even try For what, for what, for what, for what? A cowards can save the day When...
Silent Majority [Italian translation]
Come potrebbe influenzare mia vita? Come potrei influenzare il risultato? Ma allora perché provarci Per cosa, per cosa, per cosa, per cosa? Un codardo...
Sister Sin lyrics
Yeah the lady and me both agree somedays we just don't get along But the whiskey and me both agree maybe we're both just better off Well my preacher b...
Someday lyrics
How the hell'd we wind up like this? Why weren't we able To see the signs that we missed And try an' turn the tables? I wish you'd unclench your fists...
Someday [Arabic translation]
كيف بحق الجحيم إنتهى بنا المطاف هكذا؟ لماذا لم نستطع أن نرى العلامات التي فاتتنا ونقوم بقلب الطاولة(إعادة الأمور إلى مجراها( أتمنا لو أنك ارخيت قبضتيك...
Someday [French translation]
Au nom du ciel, comment avons-nous pu en arriver là? Pourquoi n'avons-nous pas été capables De voir les signaux que nous avons manqués Et d'essayer de...
Someday [German translation]
Wie zur Hölle konnten wir nur so enden? Warum waren wir nicht in der Lage Die Zeichen zu sehen, die wir verpasst haben Und den Spieß umzudrehen Ich wü...
Someday [Greek translation]
Πώς στο καλό καταλήξαμε έτσι; Γιατί δεν ήμασταν ικανοί να δούμε τα σημάδια που χάσαμε και να προσπαθήσουμε να αλλάξουμε την κατάσταση; Εύχομαι να ξεσφ...
Someday [Hungarian translation]
Hogy a pokolba fejezhettük így be Miért nem voltunk képesek Látni a jeleket amiket elmulasztottunk És megpróbálni, hogy forduljon a kocka Azt kívánom ...
Someday [Italian translation]
Come diavolo siamo finiti così? Perché non siamo stati capaci Di vedere i segnali che ci siamo persi E provare a a prenderci la rivincita? Speravo che...
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