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Nickelback lyrics
Miss You lyrics
I miss you so, so I do I miss you so, so I do I miss you so, so I do I miss you so... I just woke up from a dream today Time gone by, but you still lo...
Miss You [German translation]
Ich vermisse dich so, so, das tu ich Ich vermisse dich so, so, das tu ich Ich vermisse dich so, so, das tu ich Ich vermisse dich so... Ich bin gerade ...
Mistake lyrics
As I sift and drift in bullshit That plagues from day to day Would you ever really notice That I've gone away And I'm over the wall Over the hill Over...
Mistake [Italian translation]
Mentre vaglio e mi perdo nelle cazzate Che mi affliggono di giorno in giorno Ti accorgeresti davvero che sono andato via? Sono oltre il muro Oltre la ...
Must Be Nice lyrics
One step, two step, electric slide Red fish, blue fish, blow your mind Engine, engine, number nine Mama gonna let you set the moon on fire Jack be nim...
Never Again lyrics
He's drunk again, it's time to fight She must have done something wrong tonight The living room becomes a boxing ring It's time to run when you see hi...
Never Again [French translation]
Il est encore saoul, il est temps de se battre, Elle doit avoir fait quelque chose de mal ce soir Le séjour devient un ring de boxe, Il est temps de f...
Never Again [Persian translation]
اون دوباره مسته، وقت دعواست حتما امشب یه کار اشتباهی کرده الان اتاق نشیمن شبیه رینگ بوکس میشه از اون وقتهاست که میبینیش باید فرار کنی دستهاش رو مشت کر...
Never Again [Portuguese translation]
Ele está bêbado de novo, É hora de brigar Ela dever ter feito algo errado essa noite A sala de estar vira um ringue de boxe É hora de correr quando vo...
Never Again [Serbian translation]
Ponovo je pijan, vreme je za svađu Mora da je učinila nešto pogrešno večeras Dnevna soba postaje bokserski ring Vreme je da bežiš kad ga vidiš da Stež...
Never Gonna Be Alone lyrics
Time, is going by, so much faster than I, And I'm starting to regret not spending all of it with you. Now I'm, wondering why, I've kept this bottled i...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Finnish translation]
Aika, kulkee ohitse, niin paljon nopeammin kuin minä Ja alan katua etten viettänyt sitä kaikkea kanssasi Nyt mietin miksi olen pitänyt tämän sisälläni...
Never Gonna Be Alone [French translation]
Le temps file tellement plus vite que moi Et je commence à regretter ne pas toujours le passer avec toi Maintenant je me demande pourquoi j'ai gardé ç...
Never Gonna Be Alone [German translation]
Die Zeit geht vorüber, so viel schneller als ich Und ich fange an zu bereuen, dass ich sie nicht komplett mit dir verbracht habe Jetzt wundere ich mic...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Greek translation]
Ο χρόνος περνάει πολύ πιο γρήγορα από μένα και αρχίζω να μετανιώνω το ότι δεν τον περνάω όλο μαζί σου Τώρα αναρωτιέμαι γιατί το έχω κρατήσει μέσα μου ...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Italian translation]
Il tempo sta scorrendo molto più veloce di me E io sto iniziando a pentirmi di non averlo passato tutto con te Ora mi sto chiedendo perché ho tenuto t...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Portuguese translation]
O tempo está passando mais rápido do que eu, E estou começando a me arrepender de não passá-lo com você. Agora eu estou me perguntando porque eu deixe...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Romanian translation]
Timpul, se scurge mai repede decât am crezut, Iar eu încep să regret că nu îl petrec totul cu tine Eu acum, mă întreb de ce, am pastrat totul în inter...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Serbian translation]
Vreme prolazi mnogo brže od mene I počinjem da žalim što ga ne trošim sa tobom Sada se pitam zašto sam to čuvao u sebi I počinjem da se kaješ što ti n...
Never Gonna Be Alone [Turkish translation]
Zaman, benden çok daha hızlı geçiyor Ve ben pişman olmaya başlıyorum, bunun hepsini seninle geçirmediğimden Şimdi ben, neden merak ediyorum, bunu şişe...
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