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Nickelback lyrics
If Today Was Your Last Day [Portuguese translation]
Meu melhor amigo me deu o melhor conselho Ele disse que cada dia é um presente e não um direito Não deixe pedra sobre pedra, deixe os seus medos para ...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Romanian translation]
Cel mai bun prieten al meu mi-a dat cel mai bun sfat El mi-a spus că fiecare zi e un cadou şi nu o dare de drept Nu lăsa nici o piatră neîntoarsă,lasă...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Russian translation]
Лучший друг дал мне лучший совет Он сказал, что каждый день — подарок, а не право Делай всё возможное, отбрось страхи Попробуй встать на непроторенную...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Serbian translation]
Moj najbolji prijatelj mi je dao najbolji savet Rekao je svaki dan je poklon a ne dato pravo Ne ostavi ni jedan kamen neokrenut, ostavi svoje strahove...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Slovak translation]
Môj najlepší priateľ mi dal tú najlepšiu radu Povedal, že každý deň je dar a nie vopred daná povinnosť Nenechaj žiaden kameň neobrátený, nechaj svoj s...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Spanish translation]
Mi mejor amigo me dio el mejor consejo me dijo que cada día es un regalo y no un derecho que hay que dar por sentado no dejes ninguna piedra sin tocar...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Swedish translation]
Min bästa vän gav mig ett bra råd Han sa varje dag är en gåva och inte en självklar rättighet Lämna ingen sten orörd, lämna alla rädslor bakom dig Och...
If Today Was Your Last Day [Turkish translation]
En iyi arkadaşım bana en iyi tavsiyeyi verdi Dedi ki her gün bir hediyedir ve verilmiş bir hak değildir Bakılmadık delik bırakma, korkularını arkanda ...
Just For lyrics
I want to Take his eyes out Just for looking at you Yes I do I want to Take his hands off Just for touching you Yes I do And I want to Rip his heart o...
Just For [French translation]
Je veux Lui arracher les yeux Juste pour t'avoir regardée Oui, je le veux Je veux Lui trancher les mains Juste pour t'avoir touchée Oui, je le veux Et...
Just For [Portuguese translation]
Eu quero Arrancar os olhos dele fora Apenas por olhar em você, Sim eu quero Eu quero Arrancar as mãos dele fora Apenas por tocar em você Sim eu quero ...
Just to Get High lyrics
He was my best friend, I tried to help him But he traded everything for suffering And found himself alone I watched the lying, turn into hiding With s...
Just to Get High [Dutch translation]
Hij was mijn beste vriend, ik probeerde hem te helpen Maar hij ruilde alleen in om te lijden En zichzelf alleen te vinden Ik zag het liggen, verandere...
Leader Of Men lyrics
Tell your friends not to think aloud Until they swallow Whisper things into my brain Your voice sounds so hollow I am not a leader of men Since I pref...
Leader Of Men [French translation]
Dis à tes amis de ne pas penser à voix haute Avant d'avoir avaler Tu me murmures des choses à l'esprit, Ta voix semble si creuse Je ne suis pas un men...
Left lyrics
I saw the river, just pulled him down I knew the man who hunted him down We watched the river, take him away Before he died, I could have sworn he sai...
Lullaby lyrics
Well I know the feeling Of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge And there ain't no healing From cutting yourself with the jagged edge I'm telling y...
Lullaby [Croatian translation]
Poznat mi je osjećaj Nalaženja sebe na rubu I tu nema lijeka Osim da presječem uže koje me drži Govorim ti ovo Ne može biti toliko loše Čuj to od neko...
Lullaby [Dutch translation]
Nou, ik weet hoe het voelt Om te ontdekken, dat je vastzit op de richel En als je jezelf snijdt aan de kartelige rand, is dat niet te genezen Ik zeg j...
Lullaby [Finnish translation]
No minä tiedän sen tunteen Kun löydät itsesi jumissa jyrkänteen reunalla Ilman keinoa parantua Leikata itseänsä irti kielekkeeltä Minä kerron sinulle ...
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