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Pete Seeger lyrics
John Brown's body [Swedish translation]
John Browns kropp ligger i graven och förruttner John Browns kropp ligger i graven och förruttner John Browns kropp ligger i graven och förruttner Men...
Last Train to Nuremberg lyrics
Last train to Nuremberg! Last train to Nuremberg! Last train to Nuremberg! All on board! Do I see Lieutenant Calley? Do I see Captain Medina? Do I see...
Last Train to Nuremberg [German translation]
Der letzte Zug nach Nürnberg! Der letzte Zug nach Nürnberg! Der letzte Zug nach Nürnberg! Alle einsteigen! Sehe ich Leutnant Calley? Sehe ich Kapitän ...
May There Always Be Sunshine [Live] [Пусть всегда будет солнце] lyrics
"I learned another song in another language up in Moscow. They were playing a song on the radio, had a very catchy chorus. I found out the words were ...
My Rainbow Race lyrics
One blue sky above us One ocean lapping all our shore One earth so green and round Who could ask for more And because I love you I'll give it one more...
My Rainbow Race [German translation]
Ein blauer Himmel über uns Ein Ozean, der gegen unsere ganze Küste schlägt Eine Erde, so grün und rund Wer könnte mehr verlangen? Und weil ich euch li...
No Irish Need Apply lyrics
I'm a decent boy just landed From the town of Ballyfad; I want a situation, yes, And want it very bad. I have seen employment advertised, "It's just t...
No Irish Need Apply [Italian translation]
Sono un rispettabile ragazzo appena atterrato dalla città di Ballyfad vorrei un posto, sì e lo voglio così tanto. Ho visto gli annunci di lavoro "È pr...
Sacco’s Letter to His Son lyrics
If nothing happens they will electrocute us right after midnight Therefore here I am, right with you, with love and with open heart, As I was yesterda...
Snow, snow lyrics
Snow, snow, falling down, Covering up my dirty old town. Covers the garbage dump, covers the holes, Covers the rich homes, and the poor souls, Covers ...
Snow, snow [Ukrainian translation]
Сніг, сніг навалив, І це брудне місто саваном вкрив. Криє сміття купи, криє калюжі, Розкішні житла і злиденні душі. Станцію криє, і колію теж. Криє сл...
The Fox lyrics
The fox went out on a chilly night, he prayed to the Moon to give him light, for he'd many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o, town-...
The Fox [German translation]
Der Fuchs gingaus in einer kühlen Nacht, er betete zum Mond, ihm Licht zu geben, denn er hatte noch viele Meilen vor sichin dieser Nacht bevor er die ...
The Fox [Russian translation]
Лис промозглой ночью вышел Он молил Луну дать ему свет Потому что ему предстояло пройти еще много миль той ночью Прежде чем он добрался до города-о, г...
The Fox [Spanish translation]
El zorro salió en la gélida nocturnidad, rezó a la luna para que le proveyera de luz, Porque tenía que andar muchas millas esa noche antes de alcanzar...
The Waterfall lyrics
A drop of water stands alone come join the others in this call together we will turn the stone together as a waterfall Surely now our road is long rem...
Well May the World Go lyrics
Well may the world go The world go, the world go Well may the world go When I'm far away Well may the skiers turn The swimmers churn, the lovers burn ...
Pete Seeger - ​Blow Ye Winds, Heigh-Ho
'Tis advertised in Boston, New York, and Buffalo: Five hundred brave Americans a-whalin' for to go. Singing Blow ye winds in the morning, Blow ye wind...
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