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Pete Seeger lyrics
Belle Starr lyrics
Belle Starr, Belle Starr, tell me where you have gone Since old Oklahoma's sand hills you did roam? Is it heaven's wide streets that you're tying your...
Buffalo Gals lyrics
As I was walking down the street Down the street, down the street A pretty girl I chanced to meet And we danced by the light of the moon Buffalo gals ...
Buffalo Gals [Chinese translation]
As I was walking down the street Down the street, down the street A pretty girl I chanced to meet And we danced by the light of the moon Buffalo gals ...
Buffalo Gals [German translation]
As I was walking down the street Down the street, down the street A pretty girl I chanced to meet And we danced by the light of the moon Buffalo gals ...
Die Gedanken Sind Frei [Thoughts Are Free] lyrics
Die Gedanken sind frei, my thoughts freely flower. Die Gedanken sind frei, my thoughts give me power. No scholar can map them. No hunter can trap them...
Guantanamera lyrics
Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crece la palma, Y antes de morirme quiero Echar mis versos del alma. Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera Guantanamera...
Guantanamera [English translation]
I am a truthful man, From the land of the palm. Before dying, I want to Share these poems of my soul. Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera Guantanamera,...
Guantanamera [German translation]
Ich bin ein ehrlicher Mensch Von dort, wo die Palmen wachsen, Und bevor ich sterbe, will ich Meine Verse aus der Seele singen. Guantanamera, guajira g...
Guantanamera [Russian translation]
Я простой, искренний человек Родом оттуда, где растут пальмы И прежде чем я умру, я хочу Излить свою душу в стихах В ритме, в ритме Гуантанамо 1 В рит...
Guantanamera [Turkish translation]
Ben içten bir adamım Palmiyelerin büyüdüğü yerdenim Ve ölmeden önce ruhumun Dizelerini söylemek istiyorum Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera Guantanam...
Hold the Line lyrics
Let me tell you the story of a line that was held And many brave men and women whose courage we know well How we held the line at Peekskill on that lo...
Pete Seeger - I Come And Stand At Every Door
I come and stand at every door But none hears my silent prayer I knock and yet remain unseen For I am dead, for I am dead I'm only seven although I di...
If You Miss Me from the Back of the Bus lyrics
If you miss me at the back of the bus You can't find me nowhere Come on over to the front of the bus I'll be riding up there If you miss me on the pic...
It Could Be A Wonderful World lyrics
If we could consider each other A neighbor, a friend, or a brother It could be a wonderful, wonderful world It could be a wonderful world, oh-ho It co...
It Could Be A Wonderful World [French translation]
Si nous nous considérerions l'un l'autre Comme un voisin, un ami ou un frère Ç'aurait pu être un monde merveilleux, merveilleux. Ç'aurait pu être un m...
It Could Be A Wonderful World [Turkish translation]
Eğer birbirimizin farkında olabilseydik Bir komşu, arkadaş ya da kardeş Harika, harikulade bir dünya olabilirdi Harika bir dünya olabilirdi Eğer her k...
John Brown's body lyrics
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave But hi...
John Brown's body [Hungarian translation]
John Brown teste már a mély sírban pihen John Brown teste már a mély sírban pihen John Brown teste már a mély sírban pihen de a lelke küzd tovább ő a ...
John Brown's body [Portuguese translation]
O corpo do John Brown repousa apodrecendo em sua vala O corpo do John Brown repousa apodrecendo em sua vala O corpo do John Brown repousa apodrecendo ...
John Brown's body [Spanish translation]
El cuerpo de John Brown* yace pudriéndose en la tumba El cuerpo de John Brown yace pudriéndose en la tumba El cuerpo de John Brown yace pudriéndose en...
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