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Into the Bloody Hole I Go lyrics
Into the bloody hole we'll go Oh no oh no Into the sharp swords we shall go Oh no no Or be tugged anyway Goodbye goodbye Goodybye goodbye Shake those ...
Into the Menstrual Night I Go lyrics
Into the menstrual night we'll go Hey ho hey ho Into the blue woods we shall go Hey ho ho Into the blue woods we shall go Hey ho hey ho Beyond the blu...
It is Time, Only Time lyrics
When you told me You heard the winds cry And then you told me You felt the seas die And then you showed me The flight of seagulls And whispered gently...
It is Time, Only Time [French translation]
Quand tu m'as dit que t'avais entendu les vents pleurer et puis tu m'as dit que t'avais senti les mers meurent et puis tu m'as montré le vol de mouett...
It is Time, Only Time [German translation]
Als Du mir erzählt hast, Du würdest die Winde weinen hören Und mir dann erzähltest, Du fühltest die Meere sterben Und dann zeigtest Du mir Den Flug de...
It is Time, Only Time [Italian translation]
Quando mi hai detto Che sentivi il pianto dei venti E poi mi hai detto Che sentivi i mari morire E poi mi hai mostrato Il volo dei gabbiani E hai suss...
Larkspur and Lazarus lyrics
The empty streets The songs of twilight The clouds at rest The churchbells chiming A scarecrow shudders And some birds tremble I looked at you and saw...
Larkspur and Lazarus [Italian translation]
Le strade vuote Le canzoni dell'imbrunire Le nuvole a riposo Le campane che rintoccano Uno spaventapasseri sussulta E degli uccelli tremano Ti ho guar...
Let Us Go to the Rose lyrics
Mignonne, allons voir si la rose Qui ce matin avait déclosé Sa robe de poupre au soleil A point perdu cette vêprée Les plis de sa robe pourprée Et son...
Mockingbird lyrics
I saw the back of the stars Tremble and fall While seahorses played On the slope of your breast I saw a hundred angels Rush to the ground They were gi...
Mockingbird [Italian translation]
Ho visto il retro delle stelle Fremere e cadere Mentre i cavallucci marini giocavano Sul pendio del tuo seno Ho visto cento angeli Precipitarsi verso ...
Moonlight, You Will Say lyrics
I remember walking in the fields around York Miserere Oh miserere I remember sitting in a small room in London Miserere And I remember thinking Misere...
Night! Death! Storm! Omega! lyrics
Meanwhile, back in the real world I compass the weather And wonder if "I love you" Is the verb-the first and found The first sound that shone forth Th...
She Took Us To The Places Where The Sun Sets lyrics
Anyway murder they say Please murder My face was watching braille dogs Hammering out belonging to the sky Their wings form shutters From Alan's window...
She Took Us To The Places Where The Sun Sets [Russian translation]
Как бы то ни было, убей, говорят они, Пожалуйста, убей! Мое лицо наблюдало за собаками Брайля, Выколачивающими общность с небом, Их крылья образуют ст...
So: This Empire Is Nothing lyrics
So: this Empire is nothing Before me the green fields are stretched out The broken body of a cat glows there And the shimmering flies fall This Empire...
Steven and I in the Field of Stars lyrics
Circles within circles We ride through them all Circles within circles "In the midst of the Southern regions..." There a man rests and weeps This year...
Suddenly The Living Are Dying lyrics
Nero with his axes And piles of skies gurgling Behind him Diocletian smiles And the garlands of meat fall tall Who made the windmills? And who made th...
Suddenly The Living Are Dying [Russian translation]
Нерон со своими топорами И грудами булькающих небес За ним Улыбается Диоклетиан И мясные гирлянды гордо падают Кто создал мельницы? И кто создал водов...
Tamlin lyrics
Lady Margaret, Lady Margaret Was sowing at the seam She's all dressed in black And a thought came in her head to roam in the woods To pull flowers to ...
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