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Lucifer Over London
The twisted wings and clouds unfold And the greatgape of He who fell Makes darkened shadows over pointed spires Little children point and sing And lit...
[Hey Ho] The Noddy [Oh] lyrics
My eyes are black and wide My eyes are black and wide Hey, ho, the noddy, oh My eyes are black and wide I crush the velvet mound I crush the velvet mo...
[Hey Ho] The Noddy [Oh] [Russian translation]
Мои глаза - черные и широко раскрытые, Мои глаза - черные и широко раскрытые, Хей-хо, Нодди-о, Мои глаза - черные и широко раскрытые. Я ломаю бархатны...
A Voice From Catland lyrics
Bounce the Ball still Softly round it on all sides, The Goal is in each Kits Eye The Ball fixs each eye open: It roles to each paws love; Bounced home...
All the Pretty Little Horses lyrics
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry Go to sleepy little baby Go to sleepy little baby When you wake you shall have All the pretty little horsies All the pretty ...
All the Pretty Little Horses [Italian translation]
Shh, non piangere Fai la nanna piccolino Fai la nanna piccolino Quando ti svegli avrai Tutti i bei cavallini Tutti i bei cavallini Neri e bai, chiazza...
All the Pretty Little Horses [Spanish translation]
Arrorró, no llores, Duerme, mi cariñito, Duerme, mi cariñito, Y al despertar tendrás Todos los guapos caballitos Todos los guapos caballitos Negros y ...
All the World Makes Great Blood lyrics
Sorry then bird flight Passes across my window Sorry then dog crouches Under the still sun Sorry then moi je Regrette tout ce que J'ai fait O le solei...
Calling for Vanished Faces I lyrics
If then I meet you along the way Where the laurel trees surround us on every side If then in a small place I stand alone And turn my head and you smil...
Calling for Vanished Faces I [Italian translation]
Se poi t'incontrassi per strada Dove gli alberi d'alloro ci circondano da ogni lato Se poi in un posticino me ne stessi da solo Girando la testa e tu ...
Calling for Vanished Faces I [Spanish translation]
Si te encuentro en el camino Rodeados de laureles tú y yo Si al encontrarme solo en un pequeño lugar Giro la cabeza y te veo sonriendo, Si entonces es...
Calling For Vanished Faces II lyrics
If only I could take You all at once: I would take You for ever and ever and only so Lose myself in You And so I smile and skip greengodlike there The...
Calling For Vanished Faces II [Spanish translation]
Si solamente pudiera tomarte Te tomaría por siempre para, solo así, poder perderme en tí. Sonrío, pues, y salto como un verde dios; La imagen de toda ...
Dormition and Dominion lyrics
In the mind of god The dead sleeping lie And the little cogs though unmoving Hover over the turning wheel All life's a farce The broken bird is draped...
Dormition and Dominion [Italian translation]
Nella mente di dio I morti giacciono, dormendo E i piccoli ingranaggi, sebbene immoti Si librano sopra la ruota che gira La vita è tutta una farsa L'u...
God Has Three Faces Wood Has No Name lyrics
A little wood A little wood It's in the middle of the burning It's in the middle of the burning Doesn't have name Doesn't have name God has three face...
God Has Three Faces Wood Has No Name [Russian translation]
Маленький лес Маленький лес В нем бушует пламя В нем бушует пламя У него нет имени У него нет имена У Бога три лица Но у леса нет имени Ребенок Он окр...
I Remember the Berlin Boys lyrics
I remember the Berlin boys I remember the squalid squadrons In their blackboots and I remember their ballgowns blooded Whilst they tripped the foxtrot...
Idumea lyrics
And am I born to die? And lay this body down? And as my trembling spirits fly Into a world unknown A land of deeper shade Unpierced by human thought T...
Idumea [Swedish translation]
Är jag född att dö? Och lägga ner denna kropp? När min darrande själ flyger Upp till en okänd värld Ett land med en djupare nyans Ej ännu genomborrad ...
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