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Dubioza Kolektiv lyrics
Cross the Line lyrics
Bloody, bloody border Bloody, bloody border I will jump over fence And climb up any wall Movement of the people You cannot control I will walk over de...
Cross the Line [Bosnian translation]
Krvava, krvava granica Krvava, krvava granica Preskočiću ogradu I popeću se na bilo koji zid Pokret ljudi Ne možete kontrolisati Prehodaću pustinju I ...
Cross the Line [Spanish translation]
Maldita, maldita frontera Maldita, maldita frontera Saltaré sobre la cerca Y subiré cualquier muro Movimiento de la gente Que no puedes controlar Cami...
Autopilot lyrics
Istina se sakrila u prazan frižider A u televizoru ratni je profiter Laže šta mu na um padne, ne postoji filter A ja više nemam snage za mrš ni za sik...
Autopilot [English translation]
The truth has hid inside the empty fridge But on the TV is a war profiteer He lies whatever comes to his mind, there is no filter And I have no more s...
Autopilot [Russian translation]
Истина скрылась в пустом холодильнике, А в телевизоре - нажившийся на войне. Он врёт всё, что ему в голову взбредёт, и нет фильтра. А у меня нет сил п...
Bankomat lyrics
Pare nisu problem, para nema Tu nema nikakvih dilema Ovdje se ne zna ko pije, ko plaća Ne možemo protiv svojih gena Svi bi htjeli pare ali ne vole rad...
Bankomat [English translation]
Money isn't the problem, there is no money There are no dilemmas Here no one understands who drinks, also pays We can't fight our genes Everyone wants...
Bankomat [Estonian translation]
Raha ei ole probleem, sest seda pole Siin pole mitte ühtegi dilemmat Siin ei teata, et kes joob, see maksab Oma geenide vastu me ei suuda Kõik tahavad...
Bankomat [Russian translation]
Деньги не проблема, их просто нет, Тут нет никаких дилемм. Здесь не известно кто пьёт, а кто платит, Мы не можем пойти против своих генов. Всем хочетс...
Be Highirly lyrics
Yes man Be highirly man not sikirly man Yes man, don't worry about all that Shit happens around Just say it: be highirly man just around The Corner ma...
Be Highirly [Croatian translation]
Da čovječe Budi hairli čovječe, ne sikirli čovječe Da čovječe, ne brini o tom Sranje se događa svuda Samo reci: budi hairli čovječe, samo iza Ugla čov...
Blam lyrics
Prilipapapa! Da sam dobar, da sam fin, da sam tatin sin, Da imam love i da imam brz automobile Ne treba mi posao, ne treba mi cilj, prst i uho, ja nem...
Blam [English translation]
Prilipapapa! If I were good, if I were nice, If I were a daddy's boy If I had money and a fast car I wouldn't need a job, I wouldn't need a goal finge...
Blam [English translation]
Intro with scratching: roll… roll… roll… To be good, To be nice, To be.. daddy’s son To have money And to have a fast automobile I don’t need a job I ...
Blam [English translation]
Prilipapapa! If I were good, if I were fine, If I were a papa's boy If I had money and a fast car... I wouldn't need a job, I wouldn't need a goal jus...
Blam [Estonian translation]
Prilipapapa! Kui ma oleksin hea, kui oleksin meeldiv, oleksin isa poeg, kui mul oleks raha ja oleks mul kiire auto. Mul poleks vaja tööl käia, poleks ...
Blam [Russian translation]
При-ли-па-па-па ! Если б я был хорошим и пригожим, Если б я был папиным сыном, Если бы у меня было "бабло" И скоростной автомобиль. Не нужны мне ни ра...
Brijuni lyrics
Na pulski aerodrom je sletilo više charter aviona sastaju se predsjednici našeg regiona Od crnih limuzina se formirala kolona svi žure da gliserima sk...
Brijuni [English translation]
Many charter planes landed on airport of Pula, There is meeting of presidents of our region. Motorcade is formed of black limousines, Everybody hurrie...
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