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Achampnator lyrics
Letzte Weihnacht' lyrics
Oh Oh Letzte Weihnacht schenkt' ich dir mein Herz Doch du schenktest es her, das schmerzte mich sehr Diesmal spar ich mir die Qual Und schenk' es jema...
Lev' dien Droom lyrics
Du warrst noch veel beleven Du mööt dissen Test bestahn Dat kummt de Dag An dem du dien Tiel bekamst Een Digimon ward di geleiden De beste Fründ up al...
Líbit ne násilí! lyrics
Můj život mít praskliny a můj život mít stávku jsem překvapen že mám ješte můj život nevíte co jsem viděl v mém životě Brutalita prochází přes to všec...
Líbit ne násilí! [English translation]
Můj život mít praskliny a můj život mít stávku jsem překvapen že mám ješte můj život nevíte co jsem viděl v mém životě Brutalita prochází přes to všec...
Líbit ne násilí! [German translation]
Můj život mít praskliny a můj život mít stávku jsem překvapen že mám ješte můj život nevíte co jsem viděl v mém životě Brutalita prochází přes to všec...
Life lyrics
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Bulgarian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Catalan translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Croatian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Danish translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Dutch translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [French translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [German translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Italian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Italian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Portuguese translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Russian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Slovak translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Slovenian translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
Life [Spanish translation]
Where does the life go ... if you don't hold it It hardly starts and it's over again You think you can keep it but mostly it's unsustainable Life! Lif...
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