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Pearl Jam lyrics
Superblood Wolfmoon lyrics
Superblood wolfmoon Took her away too soon Superblood wolfmoon Took her away too soon I can hear you Singin' in the distance I can see you when I clos...
Supersonic lyrics
Yeah Yeah, I been dreaming of getting along Now I'm awake, dreaming keep it on keeping on I catch a break, then a punch to the head I smile big with a...
Swallowed Whole lyrics
I can feel the dawn I can feel the Earth I can feel the living all around Round round round All around, round round round I could choose a path I coul...
Swallowed Whole [Spanish translation]
Puedo sentir el amanecer puedo sentir a la Tierra puedo sentir a los seres vivos en todo mi alrededor alrededor, alrededor, alrededor, todo alrededor,...
Sweet Lew lyrics
Power high, power low You could take 'em all to school You could fly, wilt the stilt had nothing on you Lambchops and afro-do, Milwaukee Bucks and a b...
Take The Long Way lyrics
You got me through these feelings That separate me from you I put myself through a beating I need you to pull me through I'll break through these feel...
The Color Red lyrics
We're all crazy, we're all crazy and we're We're all crazy, we're all crazy and we're We're all crazy, we're all crazy and we're We're all crazy, we'r...
The End lyrics
What were all those dreams we shared Those many years ago? What were all those plans we made now Left beside the road? Behind us in the road More than...
The End [Bosnian translation]
Šta su bili svi oni snovi koje smo djelili. Onih godina davnih? Šta su bili svi oni planovi koje smo napravili, sada. Po strani ostavljeni? Na putu iz...
The End [Danish translation]
Hvad var alle de drømme vi delte For de mange år siden, Hvad var alle de for planer vi lagde Nu efteladt i vejkanten Bag os i vejkanten Mere end venne...
The End [French translation]
Qu'étaient tous ces rêves que l'on partageait Il y a tant d'années ? Qu'étaient tous ces projets que l'on faisait Maintenant laissés au bord de la rou...
The End [Greek translation]
Τί ήταν όλα αυτά τα όνειρα που μοιραστήκαμε Τόσα πολλά χρόνια πριν; Τί ήταν όλα αυτά τα σχέδια που κάναμε, τώρα Έμειναν πλάι στο δρόμο; Πίσω μας στο δ...
The End [Hungarian translation]
Hol voltak azok az álmok, amiket megosztottunk Annyi évvel ez előtt? Hol voltak azok az álmok, amiket most beteljesítünk Az út mellet hagyva? Mögöttün...
The End [Italian translation]
Cos'erano tutti quei sogno che abbiamo condiviso Così tanti anni fa? Cos'erano tutti quei piani che abbiamo fatto adesso Lasciati per la strada? Dietr...
The End [Portuguese translation]
O que eram todos aqueles sonhos que compartilhávamos Há tantos anos atrás? O que eram todos aqueles planos que fazíamos Deixados à beira da estrada? A...
The End [Romanian translation]
Ce erau toate acele vise pe care le împărţeam Acei mulţi ani în urmă? Ce erau toate acele planuri ce le făcusem şi acum Au rămas pe marginea drumului?...
The End [Serbian translation]
Sta su bili ti snovi koje smo delili Pre toliko godina? Sta su bili svi ti planovi koje smo stvorili A sada ih ostavili pokraj puta? Iza nas na putu V...
The End [Spanish translation]
¿Qué fueron todos esos sueños que compartimos hace muchos años? ¿Qué fueron de todos esos planes que hicimos ahora dejados a un lado del camino? Detrá...
The End [Turkish translation]
Paylaştığımız onca rüyalar neydi, Yıllar önce? Şimdi yaptığımız o planlar neydi, Yolun yanına bırakılmış? Yolda arkamızda bırakılmış Arkadaştan öte, b...
The Fixer lyrics
Yeah, hey, hey When something's dark Let me shed a little light on it If something's cold I wanna put a little fire on it If something's old I wanna p...
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