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Pearl Jam lyrics
Last Kiss [Turkish translation]
Acaba nerde, bebeğim nerde? Tanrı onu benden aldı O cennete gitti, bu yüzden iyi biri olmalıyım Böylece bu dünyadan gittiğimde onu görebilirim. Çıkıyo...
Leash lyrics
Troubled souls unite We got ourselves tonight, oh I am fuel you are friends we got the means to make amends I am lost I'm no guide but I'm by your sid...
Leaving Here lyrics
Hey fellas have you heard the news? (Oh yeah) The women in this town are being misused (Oh yeah) Yeah, I seen it all in my dreams last night (Oh yeah)...
Let Me Sleep [It's Christmas Time] lyrics
Cold wind blows on the soles of my feet Heaven knows nothing of me I'm lost nowhere to go Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed Oh please let me ...
Let The Records Play lyrics
When the kingdom comes He puts his records on And with his blistered thumb hits play And with the volume up he goes and fills his cup And lets the dru...
Life Wasted lyrics
You're always saying that there's something wrong... I'm starting to believe it's your plan all along... Death came around, forced to hear its song......
Life Wasted [Serbian translation]
Uvek pricas kako nesto nije uredu... Pocinjem da verujem da je to sve vreme bio tvoj plan... Smrt je navratila, prisilila nas da cujemo njenu pesmu......
Light Years lyrics
I've used hammers made of wood I have played games with pieces and rules I have deciphered tricks at the bar But now you're gone, I haven't figured ou...
Light Years [Czech translation]
Používal jsem kladívka vyrobená ze dřeva Hrál jsem hry, co měly smysl a řád Rozplétal jsem intriky v soudní síni Ale teď jsi pryč a já nevím proč Vymý...
Light Years [French translation]
J'ai utilisé des marteaux en bois J'ai joué à des jeux avec des pièces et des règles J'ai décodé des astuces au bar Mais maintenant tu es partie et je...
Light Years [Serbian translation]
Koristio sam cekice napravljene od drveta Igrao sam igre sa komadima i pravilima Desifrovao sam trikove za sankom Ali sada si nestao, i nisam shvatio ...
Light Years [Spanish translation]
He usado martillos hechos de madera y he jugado juegos con piezas y reglas he descifrado trucos en el bar pero te has ido, y aún no he descifrado por ...
Light Years [Turkish translation]
Odundan yapılmış çekiçler kullandım Taşlı ve kurallı oyunlar oynadım Bar numaralarını deşifre ettim Ama o gidişin var ya, nedenini çözemedim Bilmecele...
Lightning Bolt lyrics
She comes on like a stone But you don't know where from she was thrown Like a burning meteor from miles high Looking for a place to land She said, "Ha...
Love Boat Captain lyrics
Is this just another day,... this god forgotten place? First comes love, then comes pain. Let the games begin,... Questions rise and answers fall,... ...
Love Boat Captain [Serbian translation]
Da li je ovo samo još jedan dan... u ovom od boga zaboravljenom mestu? Prvo dolazi ljubav, onda dolazi bol. Neka igre počnu... Pitanja se uzdižu i odg...
Love Boat Captain [Spanish translation]
¿Es sólo otro día... en este lugar olvidado por Dios? Primero viene el amor, luego el dolor. Que empiecen los juegos.... La preguntas ascienden y las ...
Love, reign o'er me lyrics
Only love Can make it rain The way the beach Is kissed by the sea Only love Can make it rain Like the sweat of lovers Laying in the fields Love, reign...
Love, reign o'er me [Serbian translation]
Само љубав Може кишити На начин како обала је љубљена морем Само љубав Може кишити Као слатко од љубавника Лежећих у пољима Љубав, влада нада мном Љуб...
Low Light lyrics
Clouds roll by Reeling is what they say Or is it just my way? Wind blows by, low light Side-tracked, low light Can't see my tracks, your scent-way bac...
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