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Morgxn lyrics
Lately, I've been so disconnected My feet don't wanna touch the ground Can't find my way through this dimension When all these voices drown me out I f...
Wonder [Spanish translation]
Últimamente he estado tan desconectado Mis pies no quieren tocar el suelo No puedo encontrar mi camino en esta dimensión Cuando todas estas voces me a...
Boys Don't Cry lyrics
I would break down at your feet And beg forgiveness, plead with you But I know that it’s too late Now there’s nothing I won’t do So I try to laugh abo...
Boys Don't Cry [Turkish translation]
Ayaklarının dibinde kendimden geçecektim Ve affet diye yalvarıp sıkboğaz edecektim Ama artık çok geç olduğunu biliyorum Şimdi yapmayacağım bir şey yok...
Bruised lyrics
Sex in the morning Birds at the window Taste like candy Even in the afterglow No one else but you Can make me feel this way Baby, no one's perfect Don...
Bruised [Vietnamese translation]
Làm tình sáng sớm Chú chim đứng ngoài cửa sổ Cảm thấy vị ngọt đầu lưỡi Khi hoàng hôn buông xuống Không ai ngoài em Làm cho anh cảm giác đó Em à, không...
Hard pill to swallow lyrics
[Verse 1] [?] my solitude [?] face [?] to your vision Do you hear me? Do you hear me? [Chorus] It's a hard pill to swallow When you're too far gone It...
Home lyrics
[Verse 1] You had a bed made And all these precious memories You had to run away You're looking for that bigger stage [Pre-Chorus] For all those, all ...
Home [French translation]
Couplet 1 : Tu as un lit fait Et tous ces souvenirs précieux Tu dois t'enfuir Tu cherches cette plus grande étape Pré Refrain : Pour toutes ces, toute...
Home [German translation]
[Verse 1] Du hattest ein gemachtes Bett Und all diese kostbaren Erinnerungen Du musstest weglaufen Du suchst nach dieser größeren Bühne [Pre-Chorus] F...
Home [Russian translation]
[Куплет 1] Ты застелил постель, Со всеми этими бесценными воспоминаниями. Ты сбежал, В поиске той самой сцены, что по-больше. [Проигрыш] И для всех те...
Home [Turkish translation]
[Birinci Mısra] Hazır bir yatağın vardı Ve tüm bu değerli anıların Kaçmak zorundaydın Daha büyük bir sahne arıyorsun [Nakarat Önü] Tüm bu, tüm bu göz ...
I'm Just Wild About Harry lyrics
I'm just wild about Harry And Harry's wild about me The heavenly blisses of his kisses Fill me with ecstasy He's sweet just like chocolate candy Or ju...
I'm Just Wild About Harry [Burmese translation]
ကျတော်က ဟယ်ရီ့ကိုဆို အရူးအမှုးချစ်တာပါ။ ဟယ်ရီကလည်းကျ‌တော့်ဆိုအရူးအမှုးချစ်တာပါပဲ။ သူ့အနမ်းတွေက သုကတိအလားပီတိဖြစ်စေတယ် ကျတော့်ကိုပီတိတြွေဖာစေတယ်။ သူ့အန...
I'm Just Wild About Harry [Serbian translation]
Ja sam lud za Herijem I Heri je lud za mnom Njegovi rajski blistavi poljupci Me čine srećnim Sladak je kao čokolada Ili kao med od pčele Oh, ja sam lu...
Love you with the lights on lyrics
[Verse 1] Who do you run to When you're caught in the middle? This could be simple But baby, you love a riddle [Pre-Chorus] Bring me in I'll never let...
Love you with the lights on [German translation]
[Strophe 1] Zu wem rennst du, Wenn du in der Mitte gefangen bist? Das könnte so einfach sein Aber Liebling, du liebst das Rätsel [Vor-Refrain] Bringe ...
Love you with the lights on [Russian translation]
[Строфа 1] К кому ты бежишь Когда ты пойман на середине? Это могло быть просто Но, детка, ты любишь загадку [Перед припевом] Приведи меня с собой Я ни...
Xx lyrics
[Verse 1] You got me stoned And I like how it feels When my heartbeat, beat on my chest That's how I know that it's real [Verse 2] You got me high But...
Xx [Portuguese translation]
Você me petrificou E eu gosto de o como sente Quando a batida do meu coração bate no meu peito É assim que eu sei que é real Você me deixou alto Mas e...
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